Screen Tearing (Solved)

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Screen Tearing (Solved)

Post by Gobbi »

My recent desktop uses an AMD RX6400 videocard which I use it with an Asus 4k monitor .
Fatdog64 813 boots directly to dektop .
For 4k resolution I had to set a new modeline for this monitor with a new file : /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/10-monitor.conf :

Code: Select all

Section "Monitor"
            Identifier "DisplayPort-0"
            Modeline "3840x2160R" 533.00 3840 3888 3920 4000 2160 2163 2168 2222 -hsync +vsync 
            Option "prefferedMode" "3840x2160R" 

Section "Screen"
              Identifier "Screen0"
              Monitor "DisplayPort-0"
              DefaultDepth 24
              Subsection "Display"
                     Modes "3840x2160R"

Section "Device"
               Identifier "Device0"
               Driver "amdgpu"

Videos playback show screen tearing .
In the past , with older hardware,I was able to use proprietary drivers from AMD for a smooth playback .But now AMD releases Linux drivers only for Ubuntu RHEL or SUSE .
Other Linux OS are left with "amdgpu" from the Linux Kernel .

I tried to set from terminal xrandr --output DisplayPort-0 --set TearFree on , but this way is not accepted and I lost connection with XServer . The same thing happened with the HDMI entry/cable .
I could enter again with xwin , but TearFree option stays off .
In Fatdog64 , adding Option "TearFree" "true" in /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/10-amdgpu.conf doesn't help with this hardware .
It works though very well in LxPupSC64 or in F96-64bit-CE .Crystal clear .

I also have a netbook , a Lenovo with an Athlon 3150e CPU and a Radeon Vega3 as integrated graphics .
On it , Fatdog64 uses the TearFree option allright .

In Fatdog64 , in System Profiler and Benchmark , under Display I see nothing like AMD graphics or amdgpu module even after changing to amdgpu module with xorgwizard .
Is this specific way of handling graphics that doesn't help with my new hardware ?
I'm asking this because in LxPupSc64 and F96-64bit-CE , where graphics works without tearing , in Hardinfo amdgpu is presented as module and AMD graphics as videocard .
Is there a way for Xorg to use directly amdgpu to see if my problem could be solved ? Am I wrong thinking this way ?
Will future Fatdog64 900 could take in consideration a way to solve a problem like this ?

Thank you for any hint !

Edited on 17th june 2023 :

Today I downloaded and booted the new fatdog.iso from ... en/900tip/ .
With it my problem is solved . It booted directly to desktop on UHD resolution and amdgpu module with no monitor configuration file . Easy to set TearFree option .
I noticed the new Xorg 21.1.8 :thumbup:

Thank you very much for continuing your work on Fatdog64 ! :thumbup:

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