Will Microsoft patch of secure boot in 2024 render Linux (and Puppy) unbootable

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Will Microsoft patch of secure boot in 2024 render Linux (and Puppy) unbootable

Post by oldaolgeezer »

Will the third Microsoft patch of secure boot in 2024 render
Linux (and Puppy) unbootable on newer patched PCs ?

From arstechnica.com:

... the new fix, partly because, unlike many high-priority Windows fixes,
the update will be disabled by default for at least a few months
after it's installed and partly because it will eventually render
current Windows boot media unbootable.

The fix requires changes to the Windows boot manager that can't be
reversed once they've been enabled.

Additionally, once the fixes have been enabled, your PC will no longer
be able to boot from older bootable media that doesn't include the fixes.


A third update in "first quarter 2024" will enable the fix by default
and render older boot media unbootable on all patched Windows PCs.

Microsoft says it is "looking for opportunities to accelerate this
schedule," though it's unclear what that would entail.

(Note: Be sure to read all the comments and the "Promoted Comments".)

The above is from: https://arstechnica.com/information-tec ... arly-2024/

also here: https://it.slashdot.org/story/23/05/12/ ... g#comments

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Re: Will Microsoft patch of secure boot in 2024 render Linux (and Puppy) unbootable

Post by dogcat »

in the arstechnica article it mentions microsoft is protecting against exploits that can be conducted by admins or people with physical access to the computer.

Microsoft says that the vulnerability can be exploited by an attacker with either physical access to a system or administrator rights on a system.

imagine an exploit that can be done by some rogue system administrator or someone that has physical access to the computer. its a good thing they will protect against anyone that fits that description.

that looks like they don't want anyone with mortal powers deciding how or what is to be booted, now why would microsoft be concerned about your networked computer and total control of it? it is for total control of us?

history being our ruler, especially recent history and the world government push for complete digital control of all humans (except those that are more equal than others) will this be tied to the nwo-wef-who push to alter human genetics and corrupt genetics of every living thing, another version of the 15-minute city via the computer? or worse....

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Re: Will Microsoft patch of secure boot in 2024 render Linux (and Puppy) unbootable

Post by bigpup »

Well, Puppy for years has required you to disable secure boot in the computers UEFI bios settings.
Because Puppy does not provide the needed security key.

If this has no affect on being able to disable secure boot.

Puppy should still boot.

The things you do not tell us, are usually the clue to fixing the problem.
When I was a kid, I wanted to be older.
This is not what I expected :o

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Re: Will Microsoft patch of secure boot in 2024 render Linux (and Puppy) unbootable

Post by pp4mnklinux »

Who knows about the future?
Who knows about MS ideas?
Who knows..... ?

But what we know is MS never stopped puppy... so with this idea in mind... WHO MIDS? jaja :lol:


Secure Boot is a feature in the Unified Extensible Firmware Interface (UEFI) specification that helps ensure that only trusted software is loaded when a computer boots up, but what is for MicroShit "trusted software"?. I think for them is the last and more expensive one....

This Secure Boot, works by verifying the digital signature of each bootloader, operating system kernel, and other system components to ensure that they are signed by a trusted entity. This people thinks this helps protect against malware and other attacks that could compromise the security of the system (or not...who knows?)

In the past, there have been some instances where Microsoft's implementation of Secure Boot has made it more difficult to install and boot alternative operating systems, they want to be the only OS, but always there has been methods to work around these issues, such as disabling Secure Boot or installing trusted bootloaders or...

They can do what they want.... We can do what we want. https://youtu.be/avavOe3Wz1I

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