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How to right-click with my touchscreen? (solved)
Posted: Fri May 12, 2023 7:15 pm
by dancytron
My "new" laptop has a touchscreen. Standard minimal LXDE/PCManFm/Openbox DD desktop.
It works pretty well in Chrome and a long press gets the right click menu. It works pretty well everywhere else too, except there is no way to do a "right click".
Google turns up giant walls of text but no obvious answer and some saying "get a newer desktop",
Any ideas?
edit: I'll write up how I got mine to work, but in short, touchscreens are just like wireless cards and display cards, in that if they don't work out of the box or only partially work, you need to find the driver and follow the instructions. The Arch website lays it all out.
In my case, there was a proprietary driver and an excellent install program and another config that just worked as soon as I found it.
Update: Just tested the install of the driver and the config program in the oldest puppy I had set up, Radky's Stretch Pup and it just worked.
Link to post on eGalax driver and touchscreen drivers in general viewtopic.php?t=8721
Re: touchscreen
Posted: Fri May 12, 2023 8:34 pm
by pp4mnklinux
Hi, @dancytron , I don't know what could happen.- By default right click on touch screen is really symple, you can perform a right-click by pressing and holding down on the item you want to right-click. After a moment, a context menu should appear with options to perform various actions, including a right-click.
Let us know what happens when you hold down on the item you wanna right click... so we can reproduce this situation (I don't know if this happens in Android, Windows, MacOs or PUPPY LINUX , please tell us what version are u using so any user of it can help u)
Have a nice day.
n.b.- It is not the solution, but alternatively, you can also use keyboard shortcuts to perform a right-click.
On most keyboards, you can simulate a right-click by pressing the "Menu" or "Context Menu" key (located next to the right Ctrl key) or the Shift + F10 key combination.
Re: touchscreen
Posted: Fri May 12, 2023 8:41 pm
by dancytron
When you longpress on a desktop icon, it selects it and when you let go, it opens.
It's not a full lxde. Fred will be by soon and will probably know the answer.
edit: it's not urgent from a being able to use the laptop pov. It has a touchpad and I usually use a regular mouse.
Just want it to work correctly.
Re: touchscreen
Posted: Sat May 13, 2023 7:36 am
by fredx181
dancytron wrote: Fri May 12, 2023 8:41 pm
When you longpress on a desktop icon, it selects it and when you let go, it opens.
It's not a full lxde. Fred will be by soon and will probably know the answer.
Don't have a touchscreen so don't know as I cannot test, sorry.
Re: How to righ-click with my touchscreen?
Posted: Sat May 13, 2023 11:31 am
by stemsee
Generally select the wacom driver in your xorg.conf. This recognizes two finger touch. Second finger tap is right-click.
alternatively use my script. It creates a tray icon which you tap then touch the item you want to right-click, you get a 4 second delay. Depends on xdotool.
Code: Select all
# Copyriight (c) 2014 stemsee
yad --notification --command="bash -c 'sleep 4; xdotool click 3'" --icon-size=48 --icon="/usr/share/pixmaps/xinput_calibrator.xpm" --text="Click then position cursor to get right click menu" &
In LightHouse there is code which alternates each successive touch, so first touch is left-click then next touch is right click. I don'T know how to reproduce it.
Re: How to right-click with my touchscreen?
Posted: Sat May 13, 2023 1:55 pm
by dancytron
I just installed xserver-xorg-input-wacom (X.Org X server -- Wacom input driver), which wasn't installed.
Debian didn't automagically fix it, but I found it created /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/70-wacom.conf which begins with this comment, so I think I'm on the right track:
Code: Select all
# Some of the below input classes appear 3x times, once for each of
# "tablet", "touchscreen", and "touchpad" to ensure that the Wacom
# driver is not accidentally bound to other types of hardware that
# Wacom has made which are not handled by the wacom driver (e.g the
# Wacom Bluetooth Keyboard)
No more time to look at it right now...
edit: your script works and would be a good plan B
edit again:
Arch website has the scoop. There are many different drivers.
Working on it.
Re: How to right-click with my touchscreen? (solved)
Posted: Mon May 15, 2023 5:07 pm
by dancytron
Solved. See note at bottom of first post with link.