Puppy is awesome but I needed a little user friendly version.

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Puppy is awesome but I needed a little user friendly version.

Post by mohittomar13 »

I couln't think of a shorter title for this post as basically that is what I'm looking for. :lol:

I've been using Puppy for about 1.5 months now and the more I use it the more I love it, however, sometimes I get into situations where doing things on a Distro such as Ubuntu is easier than doing the same thing on puppy. For example I was trying to work on a wordpress website but it seems puppy doesn't support wordpress (as far as I searched online). I mean puppy does things a little differently. The same goes for "Audio problems in Firefox" as puppy uses ALSA instead of pulseaudio. While I fixed the audio problem but it took a lot of time and efforts.

Using puppy has also increased my knowledge about linux internals so that is also a plus point. But I want a little userfriendly version of puppy with support for most application out of the box such as what we found on others distros like Ubuntu for example. I don't want to go back to using *buntus or any other linux. I love puppy but just want a system with a little more options and user-friendliness.

Is there any version of puppy which is close to Ubuntu because that is what I've been using for many years now.

Thanks in advance. :thumbup: :thumbup2:

Laptop: Dell 3568
CPU: intel i3 6006U
RAM: 12 Gigs
4GB-micron + 8GB-kingston

yeah, it works.. :D
OS: Tripple boot- (Windows-10, Xubuntu-20.4LTs, Bionic Puppy) 64Bit

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Re: Puppy is awesome but I needed a little user friendly version.

Post by galbi »

All what we love from Puppy + apt-get + help from this forum =

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Re: Puppy is awesome but I needed a little user friendly version.

Post by rockedge »

you must install a LAMP or similar and set up Puppy Linux to support a full featured web server and with mysql and PHP7 then you can develop WordPress sites directly on your Puppy Linux host and using

Code: Select all

http://localhost/wordpress or http://your_sub_net ip/wordpress
access the WordPress site on a browser
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Re: Puppy is awesome but I needed a little user friendly version.

Post by cobaka »

Hello @mohittomar13

Using any computer or operating system (including 'da Puppy') follows the second law of economics.
There is this thing called 'opportunity cost'. Ya get summat 'for free' and there is a hidden second cost somewhere.
The 'for free' part (as far as Puppy goes) is the ability to run 'stuff' fast on ye olde machine + get lots of help from the forum + ability to install, configure (etc) + a very nice (and free) operating system + ...

The thing you get (with Windows) is a very cool-looking operating system that does a good job at being a basic computer 'for the man in the street'. MS spent energy (real energy) to make things easy to use. Example: The OS is not confused when I type mY_folder instead of my_Folder. The office suite is superb. BUT ... the Windows OS is large. (That's the cost of being all things to all men,) The Windows OS takes real horsepower to run.

OK, I haven't answered your Q - just wasted time ranting about cost/benefit.
The truth: There is no free lunch - only the illusion of free lunch.
But 'Puppy' is about as free as you will get anywhere. Thanks to Linus T and Barry K.

The world owes these fellows a lot (and think about how much money the world would have saved if a socialist government had put together a team of 20 computer 'types' (Like Thompson/Kernigan & co) and said: "Write an OS for the nation". Responsible government is needed to maintain balance with 'the market'.


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Re: Puppy is awesome but I needed a little user friendly version.

Post by Geek3579 »

Try the Dpupbuster64 bit with MATE, for user friendliness.

Closest thing to Ubuntu in a puppy, IMHO, and it runs very well, with Pulseaudio on board.

See http://murga-linux.com/puppy/viewtopic. ... 1ffdd6ce0d
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Re: Puppy is awesome but I needed a little user friendly version.

Post by mohittomar13 »

If someone feels lonely they must install a linux OS and post a question on the forum. It feels like the whole world is there for you.. :D :D :D :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Thanks everyone for the suggestions. I will try all the suggestions and let see whats fits my requirement.
Thanks again.. :mrgreen:

Laptop: Dell 3568
CPU: intel i3 6006U
RAM: 12 Gigs
4GB-micron + 8GB-kingston

yeah, it works.. :D
OS: Tripple boot- (Windows-10, Xubuntu-20.4LTs, Bionic Puppy) 64Bit

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Re: Puppy is awesome but I needed a little user friendly version.

Post by mohittomar13 »


I installed XAMPP a version made for puppy. It is tiny and works fine but not with wordpress.

Laptop: Dell 3568
CPU: intel i3 6006U
RAM: 12 Gigs
4GB-micron + 8GB-kingston

yeah, it works.. :D
OS: Tripple boot- (Windows-10, Xubuntu-20.4LTs, Bionic Puppy) 64Bit

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Re: Puppy is awesome but I needed a little user friendly version.

Post by mohittomar13 »

Puppy has its own slimed down version of packages. I installed XAMPP on it and that was about 60MB while the mainstream version is over 200MB. If I start using DebianDog will I get the slimed down version of packages in DD too? I'm asking this because I have used Lubuntu in the past and it works fast enough by itself but if new packages are installed then that causes the system to slow down as the packages are not the slimed version but instead the mainstream packages that all other *buntus use (this is what I think it is).

Thanks :thumbup:

Laptop: Dell 3568
CPU: intel i3 6006U
RAM: 12 Gigs
4GB-micron + 8GB-kingston

yeah, it works.. :D
OS: Tripple boot- (Windows-10, Xubuntu-20.4LTs, Bionic Puppy) 64Bit

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Re: Puppy is awesome but I needed a little user friendly version.

Post by lizardidi »

DD and puppy are not the same, but they hv many similarities. Many .sfs packages for puppies will work under DD too. You can always try to install DD and experiment. If the install broken, a reboot without save with make your puppy or DD 'fresh' again.

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Re: Puppy is awesome but I needed a little user friendly version.

Post by mohittomar13 »

Experimenting with DPup on a VM for now, and later I will try DD too. :thumbup:

The thing is that not just the distro but the installed applications must also be light then only it works fine, otherwise over time it becomes slow. This is what happened when I used Lubuntu. But I think I will find my answer in DPup or in DD. :thumbup2:

Laptop: Dell 3568
CPU: intel i3 6006U
RAM: 12 Gigs
4GB-micron + 8GB-kingston

yeah, it works.. :D
OS: Tripple boot- (Windows-10, Xubuntu-20.4LTs, Bionic Puppy) 64Bit

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Re: Puppy is awesome but I needed a little user friendly version.

Post by oui »

you have a machine someking equivalent with my second laptop (dell, i5, 4 GB), screen 1460 x nnn

my first one is also dell, i7, 8 GB, high resolution screen and good audio performance.

on both viewtopic.php?f=33&t=67 runs perfectly in 64 bit but also in 32 bit !

(I did write yesterday a msg a bit worse about Fossa Pup because the requirement in Fossa Pup of 2 GB RAM etc etc ... To understand why:

josejp2424 did offer to us only 5 :mrgreen: :thumbup2: versions of his Dpup buster :thumbup2:

also made with woofCE like fossa pup (*1

3 versions are in 32 bit:
- no PAE
- PAE with XFCE4 (works perfectly, never had so much modern Puppy stuff in 32 bit :thumbup2: :thumbup2: :thumbup2: :thumbup2: :thumbup2: )

this mean: it is possible to continue to run Puppy with maximal performance AND 32 bit full compatibility with your old accustomed applications and lower requirements from the hardware side! (ok, my best hardware is powerful enough but I have other old hardware and will not change my working habits changing the hardware! This is an VERY IMPORTANT point of view if you compare usage of both hard and software!))

the iso's are all about from same size (abb. 400..440 MB) because some modern approach of software is build in and immediately available as

pulseaudio :idea: (that you did name in you msg)

josejp2424 have an interesting depository at sourceforge.

pls look at it and enjoy!

(*1 as woofCE is a distribution's builder, the quality of his products is probably constant and equivalent for all his products :lol: and josejp2424 is expert in creating best Puppy's else if not agreed by certain as official Puppy's :roll:
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Re: Puppy is awesome but I needed a little user friendly version.

Post by wiak »

Dammit, I just wrote my opinion/comment on this thread topic, and pressed send and my reply seems to have vapourised. Not a forum issue, I'm sure - something I did wrong without noticing alas. Anyway, I have searched for my 'post' but it seems to not exist. If someone finds it somewhere please let me know. Anyway, too much effort to retype:

Basically: I see no point in using slimmed down apps. Full versions are much more user-friendly and more functional in practice and only take up more hard disc storage space (which we generally have - most hard drives are multi GB in size... ). Exception would be if you insist on running your whole system in RAM... RAM is precious so I never do that. Instead I use an SSD harddrive (cheap as peanuts nowadays and plugs into the old ata hard drive interface on my old 12 year old system) and store full version of apps on their (for example, I never waste my time with the likes of Inkscape Lite - give me Inkscape latest full version any day. Using full version of app loading it in from hard drive does not slow down system. I always use pulseaudio and never apulse (I used to waste my time hacking around with apulse and driving direct alsa via its many system dependent audio hardware interfaces, but what a waste of time/functionality that was!!!! Use full pulseaudio - no it won't slow down your system. It is not particularly RAM-hungry either, and without it many an app won't work, and apulse is an ugly waste of effort hack. Rather pulseaudio is pretty clever nowadays, and more often than not will correctly auto-detect your audio hardware interfaces and all will simply work... And if you ever need to handle more than one audio stream, full pulseaudio will do that for you. Too many people on here are living in the past when it comes to thinking slimmed down system means better system or better performing system - total rubbish in practice - all you end up with is crippled systems with limited functionality and more often than not poorer overall performance rather than better performance.

But I don't mean to imply that full official Ubuntu is a good idea. No. Problem there is that official Ubuntu uses over-the-top RAM/processor-intensive eye-candy desktop windowing environment. DebianDogs ditch that, and adopt the likes of simple yet powerful openbox/tint2 combination. I used DebianDogs for years but soon gave up using apulse for full pulseaudio (with no performance issue whatsoever on my old 12 year old limited RAM system). No point using slimmed down web-browsers either since many modern web-pages require intensive processing/graphics-frameworks and that is what bloats the RAM out. Yes, you can get fast web-browsing using say an old text-based (or some ancient limited graphics) webbrowser, but that is only fast and lean on RAM because it doesn't contain the functionality to process lots of the modern junk found in these complex webpages, so you lose all the functionality that huge-extra-bloat provides.

Summary: avoid running your whole system in RAM. Generally that is a bad idea - use fast external media to store your distro/app code instead and load it from there (and thus not waste precious RAM...). Use full versions of apps - their harddisk stored size is irrelevant (we all generally have multi-GB of storage space afterall) - performance of full apps is just as fast and functionality and user-friendlness much higher than crippled rubbish. And use pulseaudio and stop wasting your precious time hacking around with apulse. I think some old-timers here love hacking so much they would be bored if things just worked, so they love apulse. Waste of time for no worthwhile saving and lots of loss of functionality.

Ok, so I ended up retyping most of what I originally posted into the apparent ether.


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Re: Puppy is awesome but I needed a little user friendly version.

Post by mohittomar13 »

It is good I posted this question, as learnt a lot of new stuff that I was not aware of. Thanks, everyone for your replies. I think with all this information I will be able to choose the right OS for me. :D

Laptop: Dell 3568
CPU: intel i3 6006U
RAM: 12 Gigs
4GB-micron + 8GB-kingston

yeah, it works.. :D
OS: Tripple boot- (Windows-10, Xubuntu-20.4LTs, Bionic Puppy) 64Bit

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