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EasyEDA Pro Edition - pcb and circuit analysis program

Posted: Fri May 05, 2023 1:43 am
by Gary73

I downloaded and tried to get EasyEDA Pro Edition to run but first off it didn't work. I the easyeda-pro-linux-x64-1.9.29 version. This is a pcb and circuit analysis program. It is based out of China. It appears the app will not run as root. You must add the flags "-no-sandbox" when executing the application.

To get things running properly, I had to alter the easyeda-pro.desktop file located at the following path: /usr/share/applications/easyeda-pro.desktop.

There is a line in that file:

Code: Select all


which needs to be changed to:

Code: Select all

Exec=/opt/easyeda-pro/easyeda-pro --no-sandbox

in order for the program to run correctly from the menu.

Also, if running from command line, use the "--no-sandbox" flag.

Just wanted to share in case anyone else had this problem. :thumbup: