I just stumbled on this Puppy Linux mention in a Tech Radar desktop summary: https://www.techradar.com/best/best-linux-desktop
Other Linux Desktops to Consider
3. Puppy Linux is designed in the traditional fashion and does a good job of just staying out of the way. It can look a bit dated when compared to its more resource-intensive cousins, but many people find that endearing rather than annoying. Not many folks would pick this for a new machine, but it does a great job of keeping PCs running that would otherwise be scrapped.
If there's one desktop environment that stands out from all the others we have here it's this one. Before you start using it, it's best to forget everything you think you know about how a desktop should work. Right, have you done that?
One other note of interest is the #2 mention in Other Desktops to Consider, Crunchbang Desktop, which uses JWM.