Hello everybody:
This idea was made considering F96_XFCE_FUSILLI derivative, but OF COURSE it can be used to make puppy linux (the main puppy) increase people interest about installing it, so feel free to use it the way u need.
When you want to increase the power of your OS, you must make it special.
Every OS, offers software... why don't we include "hardware" in our next distribution ??
I said "hardware" because I refer to a software (telegram) that gives you unlimited and free space (hardware).
I am talking about including TELEDRIVE: [url]https://www.nextpit.com/how-to-use-tele ... -teledrive
The app started its public beta phase in November 2021, after some months of closed testing. In short, TeleDrive accesses the messenger API to upload, download, and access files on the user's Telegram account with an interface that resembles services like Google Drive, Dropbox, Microsoft OneDrive, Apple iCloud, and others.
Note: This is an unofficial implementation of a Telegram feature, using the app's official API. It is possible the Telegram developers may block access to it in the future, so we don't recommend you to use TeleDrive on mission-critical environments.
Files stored using the app's interface, however, can be accessed over the regular Telegram app at any time, so we can include telegram as an aplication, and we wan use it as file archiver.
I know there are going to appear a lot of people with negative ideas and considering this one as stupid, but ... IT'S YOUR TIME TO GIVE ALTERNATIVES TO IT, haha
Have a nice day u all, CHEERS.