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KLA-OT2baseCE-1.6 final ( 827 MIB ) With package manager Gnome-packagekit

Posted: Fri Apr 21, 2023 1:52 am
by Sofiya

KLA-OT2baseCE-1.6 (827 MiB)
ISO: ... CE-1.6.iso
SHA1-MD5.txt: ... CE-1.6.txt

Added full SAMBA support and managed by a modified for KLA Samba Simple Management GUI script, taken from F96-CE_3.

Added modification of wd_timezone , using --list thanks @fredx181 . also added automatic setting of the time zone when connected to the Internet.
Added many Openbox themes, as well as a light theme.other improvements and fixes.
Programs added- Take a shot,Take a gif,Redshift-gui,Transtray,YRadio,PackIt,ROX-Filer,Pwidgets.SMPlayer .

Added Keybindings to manage windows.

Now includes two composite managers "Picom" and "xcompmgr" , by default "xcompmgr" is enabled,To enable "Picom" you must disable "xcompmgr" in ( /root/Startup/xcompmgr ). make the "xcompmgr" file unexecutable, restart X.after these steps, select "Picom gui" on the taskbar " Tint2 " - press start and autostart at boot.

NEW: New FR initrd.gz version 7.0.1 rc1 released on March 09, 2023; Includes rolling update of Arch Linux packages dated April 21, 2023.

INCLUDES small but effective 'Eolie' Internet browser.
Regardng Internet browser.
I see no point in bloating a base iso with any large browser users may well not want.
Since fully-Arch-Linux-compatible KLA-OT2baseCE-1.6 comes with official and complete pacman package manager (think of it like Quickpet...).
To install Firefox or Chromium, you simply need to open a terminal and (assuming you logged in as user root) enter command:

Code: Select all

pacman -S firefox

Code: Select all

pacman -S chromium

qemu-system-x86_64 -enable-kvm -m 2G -vga std -smp 2 -device AC97 -cdrom /root/Downloads/KLA-OT2baseCE-1.6.iso

Re: KLA-OT2baseCE-1.6 final ( 828 MIB )

Posted: Fri Apr 21, 2023 1:54 am
by Sofiya

To set the password for a SAMBA user, use:

Code: Select all

smbpasswd -a root

Re: KLA-OT2baseCE-1.6 final ( 827 MIB )

Posted: Fri Apr 21, 2023 2:13 am
by Sofiya


Re: KLA-OT2baseCE-1.6 final ( 827 MIB )

Posted: Sat Apr 22, 2023 5:38 am
by Clarity

This distro is one of the smoothest distros I have ever used. Responsive, fast, multimedia tools, beautiful desktop...

Thanks for this magnificent KL series distro. It is well-crafted as if done by an Artist vs. a forum developer.

@Sofiya THANKS as I consider this for one of the 2 primary distros I run continuous. As well as THANKS to @wiak, @rockedge, @fredx181, @geo_c and everyone who has continued to assist in crafting this work of art.

Code: Select all

qemu-system-x86_64 -enable-kvm -vga std -m 2G -smp 2 -device ac97 -name 'KLA-CE v1.6 on QEMU' -cdrom KLA-OT2baseCE-1.6.iso
KLA v1.6 1-tiny.jpg
KLA v1.6 1-tiny.jpg (47.13 KiB) Viewed 675 times
KLA v1.6 2-tiny.jpg
KLA v1.6 2-tiny.jpg (48.26 KiB) Viewed 675 times