My opera browser keeps crashing when trying to download. So I just copy the url and paste in terminal after wget command.... this button automates the paste and wget command, but still have to copy download link first, then click Download button.
Code: Select all
# determine COPY/PASTE command
if [ ! -z `busybox which xsel` ]; then
export CLIP="xsel -o -p"
elif [ ! -z `busybox which xclip` ]; then
export CLIP="xclip -o -p"
elif [ ! -z `busybox which clipit` ]; then
export CLIP="clipit -p"
yad --form --field="DOWNLOAD!gtk-refresh!copy a download link first:fbtn" "bash -c 'wget $($CLIP)'" --no-buttons --undecorated --on-top &