(New Delta 11/04/2023) F96CE_XFCE_FUSILLI-4.3
New Delta Version .- 4.3
https://mega.nz/file/YBEm1DrS#SHuODZB4v ... UborFeIgw4 (The updater)
(If u downloaded the previous version ,F96CE_XFCE_FUSILLI-4.2.iso, you only need to download this 12Mb file, the updater, pit it in the same folder as 4.2 and execute it , so it update this .ISO to the new one "F96CE_XFCE_FUSILLI-4.3.iso
Thanks to the user @AntonioPt for reporting, here are some fixes among the most important ones like .xinitrc @rockedge @fredx181 , new welcome window @josejp2424 , missing icons and deleted old jwm .desktop files, mixed lang spanish-english in right context menu
If you prefer to donwload the full ISO, you can use SOURCEFORGE or INTERNETARCHIVE.
Full ISOS ready to download:
SourceForge - web - https://sourceforge.net/projects/f96ce ... lli/files/
- dd - https://sourceforge.net/projects/f96ce- ... 3/download
InternetArchive .- web - https://archive.org/details/f96ce3_xfce_fusilli
dd - https://archive.org/download/f96ce3_xfc ... LI-4.3.iso
Thanks everybody for your help.