Grub: booting an old Puppy 4.20 on Grub 2 - hidden Grub commands
Hello all
on my Lappy are many Puppies, also an old one, I think it's name was Puppy 4.20,
installed as fullinstall on a own Partition.
after that I also installed PrecisePuppy, which was the one I worked with.
Online Banking wants a 64-bit OS, so there comes Tahr-Puppy,
only used for banking.
After that I had a look at Barrys Easy-Os, but because I had done lot works
on PrecisePuppy I kept that for all day use.
Next comes Upup-EF, as a newest possible Puppy in 32-bit
and the step to 64-bit can't be stopped, FossaPup is also here.
All went good. With the graphical Legacy-Grub I was able to boot all of them.
A little time ago I had to have a fully new SVG-Editor, to get a old SVG-Document
(lots of Things there in) readable/changed to the actual newer SVG-Form.
Thats why I have installed UbuntuSid, and that was only possible with
changing my grub to grub2.
The automated Grubinstall had build a bootmenu with all the entries
from the legacy grub. All my puppies are bootable with the exception
of the old Puppy 4.20.
Today I stumbled in the GrubShell and saw the command
ok, in the shell i load the two modules:
insmod part_msdos
insmod ext2
then set the root var to the partition of the old puppy 4.20
set root='hd0,msdos3'
with that the old menufile is loadable, so I started
legacy_configfile /boot/grub/menu.lst
UPS Grub 2 had read, translated the old menu.lst in grub2-form
stepping to the 4.20-Bootline and hit enter
Kernel loaded, starts to work, but I see a lot of Errors most something
like 'readonly'.
Ok, had to reboot the machine, go again in grub-shell and load the old menu.lst.
Now i step to the menuline of 4.20 and hit e (for edit)
there I saw more unknown commands, but no one gave me a hint,
how to get rid of the 'readonly' problem.
Some Internetsearches are showing, that these legacy.... commands
are in less use, found only one tip, which sounds hopefull.
Add at the end of the kernel-commandline a 'rw'.
So I added that in the edit-modus, with Esc back to the (old) menu
hit enter and . . . Puppy 4.20 boots perfectly to the desktop.
I wrote the commandlines from the Consoleloaded old menu
into the Grub2 grub.cfg Menü, and there it doesn't work
The Kernel gots loaded, starts to work and results in kernel-panic
Here the working lines, when they are in the legacy_configfile menü
AND NOT WORKING when they are in a normal menuline definition
in grub.cfg:
Code: Select all
menuentry 'puppy 4.2 Kernel (full /dev/sda3)' --class linux --class gnu-linux --class gnu --class os $menuentry_id_option 'osprober-gnulinux-simple-8ae0fce3-705a-4558-afea-8a2512d98cb8' {
insmod part_msdos
insmod ext2
set root='hd0,msdos3'
set legacy_hdbias='0'
legacy_kernel '/boot/vmlinuz' 'root=/dev/sda3' 'ahci=on' 'uhci=on' 'ehci=on' 'noacpi' 'rw'
It seems, that Grub2 reacts in a other form, when an old menu is loaded with legacy_configfile,
the old menu.lst (for grub 0.97) is:
Code: Select all
timeout 15 # wenn 15 Sekunden nix gedrueckt wird, autom. starten
color light-gray/blue black/light-gray # Farben, fuer Grub im Textmodus
gfxmenu /boot/grub/message # message = aus themes-OpenSUSE
default 13 # (5=BUMP 6=DSO-Puppy) beim Automatischen Start den ersten Eintrag (0) starten
# 0))) Andere bootbare Partitionskonfiguration beginnt
title Windows Arbeiten (sda1)
hide (hd0,1)
unhide (hd0,0)
rootnoverify (hd0,0)
chainloader +1
# Andere bootbare Partitionskonfiguration endet
# 2))) Linux bootbare Partition beginnt:
title PuppyDEas008pre1 (sda3/full)
root (hd0,2)
kernel /boot/vmlinuz root=/dev/sda3 ahci=on uhci=on ehci=on noacpi
# Linux bootbare Partition endet
# 3))) Linux bootbare Partition beginnt:
title PrecDEasK3-5.7.1 BUMP ALL (sda3/PrecDEasBumpALLES)
root (hd0,2)
kernel /PrecDEasBumpALLES/vmlinuz PSUBDIR=PrecDEasBumpALLES
initrd /PrecDEasBumpALLES/initrd.gz
# Linux bootbare Partition endet
The menupoint is 2))) ... PuppyDEas008pre1 in that menu
do someone have Ideas ?
Thanks for your reading