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Limine Bootloader not installing on Fresh disk and beautiful usb

Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2023 8:34 pm
by Andrew Tipton

New to Puppy and EasyOS. Old Linux Partitioner . Really Love your tag-line -- and I'm just impressed with the thoroughness and simple-language approach to your instructions, which have been immense help to me, for two days now.

You think like I do, or vice-versa.

You are the answer to my Grub2 cross-breeding prayers. Running as many partitions and distros simultaneously ( i test for advice to others, non-profit ).

-- enjoying how well-thought-out everything from the theming to the stacked menus - even to the arbitrary choice of apps. Everything is as i have always wanted it to be. Your desktop is so refreshingly clean ( KDE is my widget-fatal attraction ).


The rub for you in this is that I can go on and on as well, until i feel thoroughly explained. So forgive me.


I've been following and re-reading your install instructions ad nauseum for two days now, determined to resolve the Limine Loader. I'm always afraid to screw up modifing config files, etc. since i dont' trust the instructionas, more often than not. I do plenty of CLI, but only for convenience and not as as a study.

EasyOS will be my daily, and i will promote you ( if thats' what you wish ) .

I am intending to sit you on top of my System listing above consisting of OS's that will SEE my second nvme1 AData drive. ( Most others do not, which is perplexing. But thats advice for some other day. )

Here's my rub:

I have meticulously laid-in the folders into one of my 3 separate gpt nvme1n1p1 partitions ( Ive taken the files from the original .img BEFORE it populates );

First gpt partition ( 355 gb ) section sub-divided into a

nvme1n1p1 Fat32 w 555 mb and
flagged boot and esp

nvme1n1p2 Ext4 with the Balance 354 gb
no flag, but then tried lvm, still nothing. but no other option that applies.

USB File Mgr SEES Sees these desktop partitions - they are iconified on the desktop. They all show in the file contents. everything as i would expect.

But installing Limine through setup menu -- the Pop-UP LISTING seen OS's Limine is NOT SEEING my nvme1n1p1 ( boot ) and nveme1n1p2 ( system ).

It sees everything else, including my 3 OS on Adata and shadow old installs on ReFind.

But does not show up i ReFind either.

What am I to do? I've exhausted myself re-doing the steps. I cannot find ANY other material on your that allows for this abberation, nor in the forums.

I know I must be missing something embarassingly fundamental.

So now i must bother you. Sorry.

G Andrew Tipton
New Orleans, LA

Re: Limine Bootloader not installing on Fresh disk and beautiful usb

Posted: Wed Mar 01, 2023 11:26 pm
by Andrew Tipton

Have tried again today, in vain. I'm sure it's something very simple, like the forest for the trees.
But in the meantime, until you see my post, I wonder if

putting other OS into the other two GPT partitions BEFORE i install EasyOS would be smart, sort of give the Bootloader a visual anchor to to see on either side of the 1tb nvme,.
In other words, currently, trying to INSTALL Limine Bootloader is NOT SEEING THE nvme. Yet EasyOS does.

installing you on the first partition ( I wanted YOU to be first, followed by Kodfachi and perhaps Artix openRC,

But your install instructions were very specific; it behaves best on it's own drive where you can just pave it with EasyOS. Am I wrong to presume that this also means that it's better off being first install out of 3 on that partitioned 3 OS setup?
It's the only thing my pea-brain has been able to deduce in the last day since i posted originally.

Re: Limine Bootloader not installing on Fresh disk and beautiful usb

Posted: Thu Mar 02, 2023 2:52 am
by BarryK

In the past we have had issues with nvme drives not being recognized at early bootup.

This is one example, that we solved: ... iltin.html

I'm wondering if you have the same situation, a kernel module that gets loaded later, after the switch_root from the initrd.

Maybe try bootup Easy from a usb-stick, without the nvme drive plugged in. Run "lsmod" to get a list of all loaded modules.

Then do the same thing, but this time with the nvme drive plugged in.

That way you can find out if an extra kernel module is getting loaded.

Re: Limine Bootloader not installing on Fresh disk and beautiful usb

Posted: Tue Mar 07, 2023 5:10 am
by Andrew Tipton

I will do as you say. And then report back .

I really feel so sorry for you. I mean it. The other day i saw her "developer" comment and just hit the roof, myself. People have NO clue what kind of work is involved in running an OS, trouble-shooting, responding AT ALL in the forum, when you are by yourself.

As for me, if i felt qualified to help, i would offer. But I would just be in the way. If you do decide to let it off to others to pick up, no one would blame you. 10 years or more on your own. To me, that's inconceivable. You really get satisfaction in a job well done, obviously.

I am reminded of the spouse who does all the domestic work, including the kids, and the partner just comes home late all the time, doing god knows what, and being outraged that dinner's is not on the table.

I'm your age. 72 in June.

I'm afraid chivalry is dead.

Thanks for your reply. Will be back in touch.

Adnrew Tipton
New Orleans, LA

Re: Limine Bootloader not installing on Fresh disk and beautiful usb

Posted: Tue Mar 07, 2023 9:18 am
by BarryK

Or maybe the extra module will get loaded anyway, even if the nvme drive isn't plugged in.
Because it is a driver for the interface, not the actual drive.

Maybe just bootup from usb stick, run "lsmod" and post the result.
Maybe we can examine all loaded modules and find one that looks like the culprit.

If it is discovered, I can then compile the kernel with that module builtin, so then the drive interface will get detected properly at early bootup.