I see this as a Abiword bug.
I first had this issue with Slacko 5.7 under Abiword version 2.9.4
I tried to join the forum back then but was unable to so since I had a fix I just disabled the clipboard manager and forgot about it until I start reading here that other people were have issues with Abiword. so I thought I would report what I knew.
I tested it yesterday as I was using Fossapup 9.5 to upgrade to the latest release of Vanilla Dpup.
Here are the results...
From a fresh boot 206 total file handles in use
After opening Abiword 215 file handles in use
After about 30 to 60 seconds of heavy editing 987 file handles in use and then Abiword crashed.
I open the same test file a second time and seen over 1200 file handles in use before it crashed a second time
Same test only with the clipboard manager shut off. File handles do rise but more slowly.
My test in Vanilla dpup
Not a fresh boot 689 total file handles
After a minute of editing 736 total file handles in use
Vanilla don't come with a clipboard manager and I do not use one.
FYI my edits were mostly cut copy paste and delete.
Also I have noticed that Abiword does not like the delete key so I use the backspace key. For some reason the delete key will cause it to crash. weird!!