I have concluded testing where I am booting the most currect series of KL distro in the following environments:
QEMU-native KL... ISO file boot
QEMU to Ventoy-ISO file boot
QEMU to SG2D-ISO file boot
Namely the ISO files I have are:
Results of testing in a VM
Booting each ISO files directly under QEMU ... Success with each ISO
Booting the Ventoy USB stick under QEMU, selecting each ISO from Ventoy list ... All ISOs fail
Booting SG2D USB stick under QEMU, selecting each ISO from SG2D list ... Success with each EXCEPT KLVs
Booting the Ventoy USB stick, launching its SG2D ISO file, then booting the KL... ISO file under QEMU ... Success with each EXCEPT KLVs
VM stanzas
booting any ISO file directly
qemu-system-x86_64 -enable-kvm -m 2G -smp 2 -device AC97 -cdrom /mnt/sdg1/BOOTISOS/KLV-Airedale-rc10.iso
booting any USB stick directly
qemu-system-x86_64 -enable-kvm -m 2G -smp 2 -device AC97 -hda /dev/sdg
If there are any specific test that you see issues with, please refer to which of the test you want answers.
These are mere test results and should NOT be viewed as a request. Again, this merely shows what's happening for review.
Next up....Bare-Metal test via each of the 2 ISO file boot helpers. ... as soon as a test PC is freed up.