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Menu Framework, Double-Click + Embedded-Image

Posted: Fri Feb 10, 2023 10:49 pm
by glene77is

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M.C.I. the Menu Framework MAIN Version
#! Full Version of Menu Framework series is here:
#! viewtopic.php?p=91327&hilit=embedded+image#p91327

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MCI Menu Framework First Version is below :
Double-Click < button >
Embeded-Graphics < button >
Written in BASH + GTK code.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

:thumbup2: Edited 231220 :thumbup2:
Studies in : Double-Click Button + Embedded-Graphics + BASH + GTK

Seminal idea for embedding graphics is from "june1 2012 Don White (don570)" (thanks)


This is Linux Puppy Distro ....... This is Free Open Source ....... So Read the Code !


MGR_Screen_231220-1807.jpg (171.46 KiB) Viewed 227 times


(55.99 KiB) Downloaded 10 times


Check the script for "MCI" V.3.0 project

"MCI" is the good example , short version,
Simple Example of Embedded Images and Double-Click Techniques
[/color]and intended to be the Model Presentation.

#! Sample Instruction Version of Menu Framework series is here:
#! MCI_v.3.3_Sample-Menu_Embedded-Graphics+Double-Click
#! viewtopic.php?p=91327&hilit=embedded+image#p91327


Re: Menu Framework, Double-Click + Embedded-Image Button in Bash+GTK Script

Posted: Wed Mar 29, 2023 4:41 pm
by glene77is

About the Menu Framework, Double-Click + Embedded-Image Button in Bash+GTK Script
IF there is any interest in the "MGR" script project,
THEN , I can strip this down to a much smaller presentation, and include a code dump <button> .

That smaller version will be titled "MCI" .

Re: Menu Framework, Double-Click + Embedded-Image Button in Bash+GTK Script

Posted: Wed Mar 29, 2023 9:57 pm
by wiak

Looks fascinating, especially from a coder's point of view.

Is my understanding correct that you are using GTK+1? I think that might be a problem since most been using GTK+2 and moving towards newer GTK.

There may also be a problem in the amount of detail in the GUI - and working out what it is for. I commend you on the effort though. Your website also looks very interesting.

Re: Menu Framework, Double-Click + Embedded-Image Button in Bash+GTK Script

Posted: Fri Mar 31, 2023 12:54 pm
by glene77is

to WIAK, :thumbup2:
Thanks for the comment. You are right, good insight.
I think you understand the importance of your notes.
Your website is very interesting and well presented.
I will spend some time reading what you have done.

You say you visited my "website", the electronic engineering site.
I have been interested in non-linear analog circuits since 1975. It is Part of my background.
In 2016 I finally had opportunity to explore Non-Resonant Narrow-Pass-Band Audio Filters,
for use in my ham radio activities with morse code.
After reviews and commendations, I published two papers.
About the project, mixing BASH and GTK:
The biggest problem I have is that I think in terms of the abstract organization,
and do not always see the complexity.
I admit the MGR is a kludge, patched together , over time, while employed with other production projects.
I do not present it as an ideal solution to a generalized "master menu" project ;
it is only a presentation for study of a GTK 'master menu' and GTK Double-Click <button> and GTK Embedded-Images.
The "CTB" [ Cold Tar Backup ] is a more polished project, but still not perfectly 'finished'. Nothing ever is.

The next project is "MCI" and is a readable presentation ,
a "showcase" of the basic ideas in GUI and Embedded-Images
I suggest, that look at my next reply for "MCI" v. 3.


Compatibility as Ubuntu upgrades their distros is something to test about: "Change and UpDate are the only constant rule".
To that end,
I run projects in 12 Puppy-"WoofCE" distros, ( as listed in the HELP page ).
#! Running Tests are done by way of a multi-boot-menu.lst. For example:
#! iso_BionicPup32-8.0+30(BionicBeaver)220407-2305
#! iso_JammyPup32-22.04+8(Jammy Jellyfish)22123-0700
#! iso_UPupFF+D-20.12+4(Focal-Fossa)210410
#! iso_S15Pup64-22.12+1-T_220922
#! iso_Slacko-7.0_DpupS7_14.2(Slacko7)220205
#! iso_Xenial64_7.5_XL-220401
#! iso_UpupTahr-6.0.6-k4.1.30-uefi-190211-0

I maintain separation between "DEV" and "TEST" and "PRODUCTION" versions, carefully, with standard name tags. and DateTimeSeconds tag.
My data subdir are on the Hard-Drive SDA, and copies are synched/updated into at least five others (SDB,SDC,SDD,et,al) daily.
This "backup" is process is written into my "TXN" re-format program , along with subdir and Date-Time-Stamps.

I have no GTK conflict "yet", on my little systems, between BASH code and GTK code.
But several projects by other contributors downloaded from Murga have given problems,
WHICH I attribute to the authors using BASH and GTK together, ( mix and mingle style ).
AS IF these are the same language system ... which they are not !

Each language (BASH and GTK) have their own interpreter, and can work together only in specified ways.
I describe the problem as BASH / GTK "InterAction" .

I have written this Double-Click + Embedded-Image <button> version , "MGR" and "MCI" trying not to mix the two languages.
For Example.
... WHEN GTK handles the maingui selection ,
..... THEN I use a GTK type function ( such as the "msg_DC_ReStart_window" ) to accomplish a limited GTK type task written in GTK dialect.
... WHEN GTK handles a maingui "Selection" or "<Action>",
...... THEN I use the GTK variable "EXIT" (<action> EXIT:guiS2F-ReStart</action>) to fall out and down to my if/fi[] BASH routines to do the non-GTK task.
....WHEN the BASH routines call BASH SubRoutines written in the top of the source, which the BASH interpreter can read and execute .
......THEN BASH sees BASH code and executes BASH code, ONLY !
I try to keep GTK interpreter reading/executing GTK code.
I try to keep BASH interpreter reading/executing BASH code.

Re: Menu Framework, Double-Click + Embedded-Image Button in Bash+GTK Script

Posted: Fri Mar 31, 2023 10:29 pm
by wiak

Yes, I miss electronics. I was brought up in that world, soldering since five years old, by my father who was an electrical and mechanical fitter and then in RAF signals core during WWIi. His Morse code speed was out of this world... a special super fast rhythm they called Baghdad Morse in signals core. Later he was strongly into ham radio, built most of his own rigs but also used old war surplus gear. I think the big very heavy receiver I had in my bedroom was CR100. As a wee kid he had me climbing trees and on top of our big old house roof helping put up long copper wire antennas. By eight maybe I was building reflex/regenerative two or three transistor radio receivers after years winding coils for crystal radios. My father became a TV repair man prior to later being chief inspector communication network for police force Lusaka, Zambia. I ended up doing degree in Electronics and worked in small design/development team producing medical ultrasound machines. Was big mix of analog and digital design work and later microprocessor assembly coding involved too. So for a long time I knew a lot about filter circuits, op amps, feedback, and related, often discrete designs since IC op amps for 10MHz and above tended to have overshoot artifacts that were difficult to filter out in practice and showed up as bright edges on ultrasound video (video processing being my part in the designs). I miss knowing all that stuff, but having moved into Internet protocol research and data comms teaching thereafter it has been forty years since Ive used any Kirchoff's Laws or worked out any op Amp feedback filter! I no longer have my design notes/semiconductor data books/and what once known like natural obvious knowledge is basically now emptied out of my brain. I feel stupid compared to back then, with only some later acquired Linux-related programming skills still slightly within my capabilities. Linux?...yes it is fine...Electronics?...that was wonderful and inspiring. Wish that was what I was still doing, but Electronics generally mass-produced cheap now, so vanished as a major pursuit for most anyway.

Re: Menu Framework, Double-Click + Embedded-Image Button in Bash+GTK Script

Posted: Tue Apr 04, 2023 1:32 am
by glene77is

UpGraded : "MCI" v.3 [/size][/b]
Menu Framework, Double-Click <button> and Embeded-Graphics <button>
Written in BASH + GTK code.

:thumbup2: "MCI" version: 3.3 ... Edited 230610 :thumbup2:

Project has been moved to : MCI_v.3.3_Sample-Menu_Embedded-Graphics+Double-Click

"MCI" 3.3 is the "showcase"
of the basic ideas in GUI and Embedded-Images
I suggest, that you look at it.



Thanks to Don White.
.......Seminal idea for embedding graphics is from "june1 2012 Don White (don570)" (thanks)
Thanks to WIAK and Rockedge

....... for thoughtful comments.
