Thoughts on the Puppy Linux webpage

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Thoughts on the Puppy Linux webpage

Post by wanderer »

hi all

i note that the puppy linux webpage picture has not been changed to mirror the new releases

this is my opinion

since distrowatch will only allow 1 picture on the puppy linux page

i think that ALL the latest relevant puppyworld releases should be showcased on the puppy linux webpage

this includes all the latest woof-ce releases

but also all the important releases inspired by puppy linux


wiaks weedog


fredx debiandog

i think only a picture and an explanation should be included for each

so that it does not become an unmanageable chore

when people first come to the pupplinux distrowatch page or the puppylinux webpage

they are completely unaware of the diversity of puppyworld

and it is difficult to find the hidden gems on the forum

woof-ce is great

but wiaks weedog and fredx debiandog are equal in quality and innovation


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Re: webpage

Post by williwaw », that redirects to ?

are you suggesting should redirect to a independent page that is not specific to woof-ce?

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Re: webpage

Post by wanderer »


i am suggesting that we include all the puppy inspired releases on one page so that people can see the diversity

it can be any page

or even just a section on the forum

this would make it easier to find all the other derivatives

i feel its a shame that a lot of the great work in puppyworld

is not adequately showcased


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Re: webpage

Post by williwaw »

you are proposing a showcase topic at the forum? a sticky in the general information section?

perhaps some forum homepage reorganization could suffice, provided it was easy to accomplish. would it help if the "forum" section be merged into the "general distributions" section?

I am just guessing about how you would propose to flesh out some of your suggestions.

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Re: Thoughts on the Puppy Linux webpage

Post by rockedge »

@wanderer The current pages at all can be altered and if the work looks good can be merged into the running website. All the pages use markdown notation, clone the GitHub repo for the site then use a markdown editor. Use a pull request to request your changes to be merged into the live sit.

Keeping a sleek professional looking and fully informative website takes a lot of work.

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Re: Thoughts on the Puppy Linux webpage

Post by wanderer »

hi rockedge

i will look into it and see if its within my abilities

and then present my ideas on this thread


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Re: Thoughts on the Puppy Linux webpage

Post by wanderer »

hi all

these are my thoughts on the puppy linux webpage

i know this idea will not be adopted but i will present it anyway
i think that the puppylinux webpage should have a brief generally unchanging explanation of puppyworld

and a link to a section on the forum

that contains the latest relevant stable releases and download links and information

this should include all of puppyworld including wiaks weedog and fredx debiandog because they have been created in the spirit of puppy
as new releases become available

they can be posted to the forum section by the developers themselves

this way no one will have to constantly mess with the webpage

and it will take everyone to the forum where all the latest info is anyway
thoughts anyone ?

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