Trouble with Ubuntu Repos(solved)
This morning certain Ubuntu repos are not responding to download requests causing Pkg and PPM repo updates to fail. Is anyone else experiencing this at this time?
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This morning certain Ubuntu repos are not responding to download requests causing Pkg and PPM repo updates to fail. Is anyone else experiencing this at this time?
Your post was the first I read today. I can confirm. I had booted up fossapup64-9.5. On my initial attempt to update the 'Main' repo seemed to download, but after more than two minutes of viewing the 'downloading' notice regarding 'Multiverse' I killed PPM and re-initiated. This time I got a notice something about Main download being corrupt.
Let's see what Bionicpup64 does. Bionicpup64 seems OK. The message while downloading even indicated something about connecting to 'archive'.
But initially the GUI had a couple of 'Ubuntu' Repos other than main, mulitverse and universe --something including spe or pre. I unchecked those before updating. After update, the Choose repo GUI no longer offered them.
Just tried it and it seems to be working OK.
You may have tried when maintenance was being done on the repo's.
The Ubuntu repo's are working for me again also.