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Can't compile or clone my GIT

Posted: Sat Feb 04, 2023 2:39 pm
by megustanpechos

Hello my dear fellows,

As a new user of puppy Linux I tried doing a simple C++ Hello World but couldn't compile, add to git or find any solution in adventure of trying out this promising distribution.
I tried looking for solutions to install git, and this is how I found this forum :)

CONFIG : I tried installing through the 32bit compatibility package on BionicPup 64B 8.0

From what I understood, in Puppy Linux there is no "apt" / "apt-get" commands to install but rather the "ppm" / "pkg" (between which I can't really understand the difference).

I managed to install "QtCreator" through the "ppm" but couldn't understand how to get "Git" to work.
From "ppm" it didn't show and with "pkg" I was told it was already installed in "devx/sfs"
I tried looking for infos on it and this is what I found :
I tried doing the copy in root and "sync", but I didn't get any result from it.

I think I can't really understand the architecture / use difference with regular Linux distros (used a bit of Ubuntu and Debian without looking too much into it).

Could someone be so kind as to help me with my tedious but nonetheless important Compiler and Git Installation ? And maybe a few core concepts of what I would need to understand a bit better these new tools that differ from standard Linux distributions ? Thanks

Thanks guys ;)

I hope I was not too verbose and gave enough infos at the same time !


Re: Can't compile or clone my GIT

Posted: Sat Feb 04, 2023 5:25 pm
by Keef

Hello megustanpechos,

I don't really like to go down the RTFM route, but please have a look through the General Information section at the top of the forum front page. Most of what you want to know will be in there. If any further questions then please start a new thread in the Beginners section. This part is really supposed to be instructional, not for asking questions, but you aren't the first.

Re: Can't compile or clone my GIT

Posted: Sat Feb 04, 2023 7:06 pm
by rockedge

@megustanpechos You need to load the devx SFS file that goes along with the Bionic64 distro.
In this devx SFS file are all the tools for git, cmake, gcc and PERL components that will be added to the system.

Use Menu->Setup->SFS-Load to install the devx SFS package

Re: Can't compile or clone my GIT

Posted: Mon Feb 06, 2023 7:16 pm
by megustanpechos

First of all, thanks for your answers.

Like I said I looked for the devxSFS file which I can't link to anything I know.

I attached the current state of my "SFS-Load" (which is why I don't get how I don't have access to gcc for instance)

This is the topic I browsed before posting my questions :

From what I see though, I still can't use git nor gcc in my directory.