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Post by Jadm »

So as many of you know I'm working on an extremely "stable" version of puppy Linux, one of the "targets" I have set out is making it easier to find software, to do this I decided it would be best to start an independent repo ( I'm starting with a small repo of web browser pets).
Well any ways in order to host the repo I obviously needed a website, I searched for a few available domains and found out puppyLinux.dog was available! I couldn't help myself, so I'm now hoping to expand what at first was only going to be a small repo of day to day software to a nice general puppy Linux site... I haven't really even started on the site yet, and I want community input before I start.

Here is what I'm thinking so far....
I have listed out proposed sections / sub sections.

1) puppy Linux systems ( this will contain iso/img files)

So I'm thinking this section will have the following sub sections..

1) stable/currently maintained puppy releases. These puppies must meet some minimum requirements to get placed here ( have working installers for both hard drive/ USB, as well as a convenient way to add software ext ..) this could maybe have a sub sub section of beta stables .. I'm not sure I want to have an "official/ unofficial" (because the line seems blurred these days) section but I'm thinking we will have one "community suggested" release more on that in the next sub section..

2) the " community suggested" release I'm hoping we can vote on one or two actively maintained releases to place here at a time, I feel like these should be the most stable puppies with the most support. For example, they should have working installers for hard drive and USB installs with working save files, as well as easy to add supported software I think we can pull the list of puppy's to vote for from the above stable/ maintained section.

3) a section for historical puppies .. pretty self explanatory a section for old puppies that are no longer active maybe have a sub section of really interesting / landmark / strange..

4) the active development / not stable branch ... Pretty self explainatory puppies that don't meet the guid lines of "stable" go here...

5) a "what if" or experiment section... For things like Quirky I feel like these are very important for the development of puppy in general and should be encouraged. Maybe this can have a sub sub section of stable / unstable ( with different guidelines probably.. you can't really have a installer for puppies ment to not have presentence for example ..)

2)The next section I feel like will be the "repo" hopefully a community contributed one at that .. all of these will also have the common repo sub sub sections .. ( internet/ game/ ect ...)

Stable- meaning working in most current stable pups

Semi stable- working in some pups

Unstable- works in some, maybe not well. Or works well in a non stable pup(s) ...

Same as above accept sfs

Same as above, but I feel like wallpapers/ themes/ fonts what ever can go here ... As well as any other puppy software that isn't a pet or a SFS..

3) a nice documentation center. documentation on any and all puppy related things could go here ...
Maybe a subsection of puppy Linux history .... Maybe the historic part of the distro section should go here instead ?

4) art- kinda listed in the repo but I feel like art in general could have its own section with sub sections.



General ..

5) puppy Linux inspired / decidents . While I plan for this to be a. Puppy Linux community page, I feel like we should at least have a whole section dedicated to these .. sub sections bellow.
1) debain / Ubuntu dogs - I know very little about these, but I gave debian dog a quick spin, and was very very impressed.
2 ) easy os- I know it's not puppy but can we have a puppy community site without listing Barry ks current project?
3) kennel linux- I know absolutely nothing about this, but obviously should be listed..
4) Quirky Linux - I know it's discounted, but I feel like it belongs here. Maybe someone will revive it some day ?
5) fatdog64.. again I know very little about it needs a page ...

One thing I am thinking about is maybe having a small " puppy store" where things like single board computers with puppy SD cards pre installed.. with the money made going to maintain the site, as well as puppy development. (More on that if and when it happens, I have an "idea" for how it could work ..) this isn't even on my to do list yet ..

I have no plans to "replace" any current site, ie this will not have a forum, maybe a link to this forum. It will not currently be " puppies official site" I do feel like it might grow to be "official" one day because I find puppy linux.com lacking in a lot of places. No documentation, no mention of puppies growing list of directives/ inspired projects ( while writing this I decided to add that as a whole section). No links to repos, no history, ext ext ...

This would be impossible to do alone, so any and all help would be greatly appreciated ! !

Any ways what do you all like / dislike about this plan in development? Any one willing to help ? Anything I missed? Anything you would like removed?

I would like this to be a nice community site in the way that this is a nice community forum :) . As with all my post feed back/ criticism is both welcome and appreciated 👍. Please be kind about typos, as I do have dyslexia 🤓.

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Re: Puppylinux.dog

Post by rockedge »

If you are familiar with markdown and can use GitHub it is possible to add changes and innovations to the main puppylinux.com pages.

There is plenty of room for improvements and attention to details
Start here -> https://github.com/puppylinux-woof-CE/p ... .github.io

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Re: Puppylinux.dog

Post by pp4mnklinux »

@Jadm , that is a fantastic idea, and for sure it gonna help people and make puppy linux well known, and for sure people who know puppy will love it.

It must be a professional site, but easy to navigate, to discover and to use. Clearly explanations of how to install puppy (utube videos will be welcome), explanations step by step in pdf format, with images, explained as for childs, so EVERYBODY can install puppy without problems.

That is the best idea I read till I start using puppy years ago.

I used to wordpress, so If u need help with the development or desing or .... of this page, here I am to help as much as I can (I learned about puppy step by step, and I'm not an expert, so is possible I can help people with the "typical" instalation and use problems they can find.

When u decide to go on... let us know in this forum, because a lot of ideas about the main problems of using puppy are going to be suggested by this puppy forum users, and all the time you will spend in the desing of this site, could improve its use later.

As @rockedge said you can improve the official site, but it's not easy for not advanced people use it, navigate for it and find what they are looking for.

If we want puppy to be know, we must make it easy to install, easy to try and improve the facilies.

We must remember this.- Windos is not the most used home system becouse it is the best, but because it is the easiest.

All my support.- CHEERS.

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