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The variety of Puppies makes my head spin

Posted: Thu Feb 02, 2023 10:10 pm
by proebler

:roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:
It makes my head spin in confusion.
This is a selection of what I find at the moment in
Active topics

page 1


291222 - VanillaDpup 9.3.x

020223 - VanillaDpup 9.0 283Mb.- That's what I want

240123 - KLU-jam Ubuntu Jammy-based

300123 - F96-CE with 6.0.12-FP Kernel Stable Release

091123 - Community 'fork' seeking dev lead after release

010223 - ArchPup woof-ce January 2023 Alpha !!!!

page 2

310123 - KLV-Airedale-rc10 with Void Linux Kernel 6.1.8_1

010223 - TESTING Vanilla Dpup 9.2.18

300123 - The (unofficial) 64-bit Jammy Puppy thread

page 3

250123 - KLV-Airedale-rc9 with Void Linux Kernel 6.1.4_1

300123 - F96-CE Stable Release

280123 - F96_4-radky6-CE Perfomance Evaluation and Finalization

210123 - Puppy Linux CE proposal.

page 4

311022 - S15Pup - Discussion

011122 - Fossapup64-9.6-CE built with Defaults by woof-CE

:roll: :roll: :roll:

Re: my head spins

Posted: Thu Feb 02, 2023 10:52 pm
by geo_c
proebler wrote: Thu Feb 02, 2023 10:10 pm

:roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:
It makes my head spin in confusion.

Oddly, I was just thinking last night as I booted into KLV-Airedale-RC10, F-96-CE-stable, S15Pup, vanilladpup9.2.34, fossapup64_9.5, and jackalpup0.0, that what's absolutely amazing is the fact that using @mikewalsh's portables, my portable themebox called tbox, and a collection of linked /root/.config files, I am able to boot up pretty much any fresh pup and be on a fully configured, theme-slick, usable operating system bootable from anywhere, portable to anywhere, all in a matter of 20 minutes. In other words, when I decide to download KLU-jam, I'm expecting to be browsing the puppy forum with a fully synced firefox or chrome based browser full of addons and secuity, with all my eye-candy and bookmarks, checking my email from thunderbird, and getting more or less a days work done in a matter of 30-60 minute setup time. And I have choices. I can use a number of different operating systems from the same partition.

For all the confusion, I don't think it gets much better than the amount of innovation going here at the moment. Maybe if I was a system adminstrator of an organization I would think differently. But for a sole proprietor using computers for my daily work, I wouldn't take any other approach at this point.

@rockedge @dimkr, @radky, @peebee @wiak, and everyone else, they're all very thorough in my opinion. KLV-RC-10 is a really stable system that's been just as stable since beta-26, but the devs here make huge efforts to consider multiple booting options, and other long term factors. If it was me I would have called KLV finished at RC-3, but that's why I don't engineer bridges. People would die.

Re: my head spins

Posted: Thu Feb 02, 2023 11:39 pm
by rockedge

I find looking at the horizon helps steady a spinning head.

these are all the same project thread culminating in F96-CE (hopefully) ->

011122 - Fossapup64-9.6-CE built with Defaults by woof-CE
300123 - F96-CE Stable Release
300123 - F96-CE with 6.0.12-FP Kernel Stable Release
280123 - F96_4-radky6-CE Perfomance Evaluation and Finalization
210123 - Puppy Linux CE proposal.

These are about the Kennel Linux project ->

240123 - KLU-jam Ubuntu Jammy-based
250123 - KLV-Airedale-rc9 with Void Linux Kernel 6.1.4_1
310123 - KLV-Airedale-rc10 with Void Linux Kernel 6.1.8_1

my head spins

Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2023 3:29 am
by proebler


It is not the variety of Puppies.
I am quite familiar with that, using Upupbb, Xenial, FatDog, EasyOS, DPupStretch, JammyPup32 (UPupJJ+D-22.04) and others which are 'at hand'.

But take the example of the F96 project:
There we find 'CE built with Defaults by woof-CE' , 'CE Stable Release', 'CE with 6.0.12-FP Kernel Stable Release', 'F96_4-radky6-CE'.
None of these threads shows in its opening post whether it is current or should be regarded as superseded and, - if applicable -, provides a link to the (newer) thread.
There is also the (continuing) ambiguity with 'woof', 'woof-CE' and simply 'CE'.

Similarly for the KLV-Airedale threads:
There we find 'KLV-Airedale-rc9 with Void Linux Kernel 6.1.4_1', 'KLV-Airedale-rc10 with Void Linux Kernel 6.1.8_1'.
Should -rc9 be regarded as superseded?
Why indeed a fresh thread when going from -rc9 to rc-10 or when using a newer Kernel?

Sorry, I should have explained my confusion better.
I do appreciate all developers' efforts and see that there is a bit of a development 'frenzy' going on.
Keep it up.


Re: The variety of Puppies makes my head spin

Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2023 6:49 am
by Geek3579

While we are on this theme, I have lost the thread of the weedog project. Cant find any evidence of much action on the weedog forum. Is it because the devs are working on all the new puppy varieties listed above, and has/will weedog become a stranded project ??

I agree that the number of Puppy projects is a bit bewildering - maybe there needs to be a table in the puppy wikki outlining the purposes, strengths, weaknesses of the major variants ??

But I would rather have all this development going on that less. From my perspective, its a very exciting time for Puppy Linux - the concept is still being utilized/developed further which means its longevity is more secure in the Linux World, which waits for no-one.

Re: The variety of Puppies makes my head spin

Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2023 9:06 am
by wiak
Geek3579 wrote: Fri Feb 03, 2023 6:49 am

has/will weedog become a stranded project ??

WeeDog was just a secondary name adopted for a while. The project started with the name FirstRIb in early 2019, with announcements, details, and feedback being on murga forum back then, and the project has returned to using that original FirstRib project name. Distros built using FirstRib build system are not Puppies in either shape, form, or system design (though a builder can make any distro look like any other of course if they so want to). KL distros are a different matter:

FirstRib components, are all open-sourced and MIT licensed, so can be used by anyone anywhere who wants to use them, especially its special general purpose overlayfs-based initrd and its build script system. It is currently used on various Kennel Linux distros, though there is nothing to stop someone building KL distros that contain no FirstRib components at all.

Maintenance and development of FirstRib continues just as much as ever. The website currently contains most details of using FirstRib initrd component, but again I haven't added to it for a while though will likely add more details on building FirstRib distros using its build scripts later. The old weedog forum has also gone back to using firstrib name, but currently it is really just a place where some important information remains stored until such time as I re-organise it all. I expect I will eventually store most FirstRib build system and technical documentations in a subdomain of but I haven't decide yet and am too busy doing actual dev work at the moment anyway.

A forum, by definition, is just a place for discussion and feedback.

FirstRib is unlikely indeed to ever become a dead project - it is used in our family business (WDL Arch64 was the only OS we used in our business for over two years, though currently we are using full install of Zorin OS lite).

Re: The variety of Puppies makes my head spin

Posted: Sat Feb 04, 2023 7:46 am
by Geek3579

Thanks wiak for that update.

I was (and still am) specifically interested in trying out the Linux OSes that have been weedogged, or firstribbed, or whatever. There was a run to about 30 OS or variants and I thought there might be more in the pipeline.

Maybe later in the year when I have more time I might making one myself...I did see some instructions in a forum post back some time ago.