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How to download contents andsub directories of web page using wget? (Solved)

Posted: Sun Jan 29, 2023 3:32 pm
by boof

public free content, windows 2000 files, will save in ntfs partition and run with wine. no linux support.
how do i download all directories and sub folders pls?

yes, this is my hp 11.this is what i wanted it for.

wget -P* /mnt/mmcblk1p4 gives scheme missing ???

this is the page i want to copy from:

wget -p "" /mnt/mmcblk1p4/
it called the site and ran thru some files, but saved nothing. .????????
i need to add something????

Re: download contents andsub directories of web page using wget?

Posted: Sun Jan 29, 2023 7:22 pm
by boof

fixed thx.