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Has anyone connected to an Iphone hotspot?

Posted: Mon Jan 23, 2023 8:24 pm
by GG_grandpa

I can easily connect from win7 or win10, so I know it isn't a hardware problem. My usual puppy (friendly-fossa64-rc3) has no problem with open wifi connections, but can't handle the wpa2-psk iphone wifi. It detects the network, intermittently, but any attempt to connect or scan the network results in no network found.

I recently saw in another thread that slackpup is the most recent puppy available, so I downloadeed S15Pup64-22.12+2-T and tried that, with the same results.

If anyone has actually gotten a puppy to connect to a current IOS hotspot, I'd like to hear how you did it. If no one actually has done that, I'll move on to trying mint linux.

regards, Joe

Re: Has anyone connected to an Iphone hotspot?

Posted: Mon Jan 23, 2023 9:40 pm
by Wiz57

Which iPhone version and IOS version? I use my wife's iPhone hotspot all the is now an iPhone 6Max(??) with latest IOS.
Peculiar thing with later IOS releases is it seems to require WiFi be turned on to share the data via hotspot...used to not matter.
So, we turn on WiFi, even though it isn't connected to another WiFi network, then activate the hotspot. That is almost all
the internet we have, unless I piggyback on our neighbors. This is working with Win7 and Win10 as well as ScPup32 21, ArchPup32,
and S15Pup 64 22.1+2T.

Re: Has anyone connected to an Iphone hotspot?

Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2023 1:06 am
by GG_grandpa

You give me hope Wiz :-)

I have the Iphone 13 using IOS 16.1.1

The only wifi label I don't have already turned on is "Wi-Fi Calling" in the cellular menu. I tried to turn that on and was informed I have to contact my carrier to update my service before I can enable that function. I'll look further into that, but I doubt it is the problem, since I can use the hotspot with windows7/10.

I found another thread, in which someone else was asking for help in getting a puppy to work on wifi with the WPA2 security. The thread ended, with no success or progress indicated.

What security does your win7 say the hotspot wifi is using? I've tried to change my security level in the Iphone, but it will only allow me to change the password. I can't reduce the security to WEP or an Open wifi.


Re: Has anyone connected to an Iphone hotspot?

Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2023 9:47 am
by Wiz57

I'll have to check later today after work, will let you know but I figure it is WPA2-PSK, which seems to be sort of standard. It could be
something in which network manager you are using, such as Frisbee, SNS...normally I use SNS.

Re: Has anyone connected to an Iphone hotspot?

Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2023 1:23 pm
by GG_grandpa

For the past 6 months, I've been driving into town and using the open wifi at the library. I've been using SNS for that and I'm not very familiar with the other network managers although I've been trying them also since I can't get SNS to work with the Iphone.


Re: Has anyone connected to an Iphone hotspot?

Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2023 10:03 pm
by Wiz57

Checked the wife's iPhone, and it appears the hotspot is using WPA2-personal, what difference that makes I don't know, nor could
I find anyplace to change it?? It is possible that it changed itself to "personal" when I changed the password to a prior one that
all of my Pups and Windows PCs already knew??

Re: Has anyone connected to an Iphone hotspot?

Posted: Wed Jan 25, 2023 12:33 am
by GG_grandpa

Since yours is using WPA2, I guess that puts it all on my phone settings. Apple's guide is even more useless than puppy documentation. Thanks for trying to help :-)


Re: Has anyone connected to an Iphone hotspot?

Posted: Wed Jan 25, 2023 1:04 am
by Wiz57

Well after reading a few forums it appears that IOS 15 introduced WPA3, which possibly may be the problem if Puppy
doesn't have it implemented...I'm not sure? Read where one person managed to connect an older MS Surface 2 to
the iPhone hotspot by changing the name of their phone and password?? Typical Apple, leave you hanging so you are
forced to purchase new gear, lol!

Re: Has anyone connected to an Iphone hotspot?

Posted: Wed Jan 25, 2023 1:40 pm
by GG_grandpa

Yeah, I saw in the phone the option for WPA3 and made sure it wasn't using that.

I'm not completely surrendering yet. I managed to get Network Wizard to reliably recognise the existance of, and scan, the hotspot in slackpup but it still can't connect. Making progress, so moving on to a full Linux distribution isn't necessary yet.

Of course, if I could get win10 to STOP it's INCESSANT UPDATING none of this would be necessary.


Re: Has anyone connected to an Iphone hotspot?

Posted: Wed Jan 25, 2023 9:56 pm
by Wiz57

Windows 10 updates haven't really been an issue for me so far, I set them to notify me but allow me to
install them. Yes, still have the notice that my Dell Latitude will cooperate with Windows 11 but I have
not decided to do that yet, will probably wait til I'm using something other than the iPhone hotspot,
don't want to go over whatever limit is set on the data on it! All told, Windows 10 has behaved itself
for me, much to my surprise!