Puppy Linux CE proposal.
Hello everyone ! I'm not sure how many long term puppy linux users are left but some of you may remember me from the old forum I from way back ( puppy Linux 3.?? if I remember ) I haven't been active in the community since about the time we found out about the passing of John murgia.
Since I have been gone I have started (and almost finished) an associates degree in computer science. I'm thinking I can finally make a really nice puppy Linux release.im proposing a new community edition with some massive changes. Below is a list of proposed changes, some of which I believe are critical for puppies survival at this point. ( Numbers 1 ,1.5 , and 2 are MUST does at this point, in my opinion any ways)
Proposed changes:
1) ppm/ pkg needs to be replaced
1.5) update or overall the ppm gui to reflect #1
2) re- write or over hall the installer.
3) replace jwm with a more modern desktop environment.
4 disable default root.
4.5 make puppy multi user.
1) ppm's replacement -
is far too large of a project for us as a community at current numbers to maintain at this point.
1.5) kind of obvious, but we need a gui pkg management to match the renewal of puppy package management.
2) I have noticed several errors in the current installer thus I feel like this MUST be done.
3) While I like the classic puppy look and feel, it is very very dated. I believe if we want to attract new users and hopefully maintainers we need something more modern.
4) with the amount of trolls on the internet these days, and the lack of current puppy Linux maintainers to help help new users I feel like a default root is wrong to have for so many reasons. To list a few though, security, system stability ( we all know the rm - R # # command here... Parts replaced with # on purpose I'm not helping the trolls.) I feel like an easy access to root should be kept though ( for old time puppy users .. )
4.5) once we make puppy non-root by default it kinda just makes sense to have multi user support ... People can name their accounts and give their own passwords instead of "spot" and "woof-woof"... Which kinda goes back to the trolls/ security of #4.
Proposed fixes
1)replace pkg/ppm with apt/ dpkg ( this would allow us to fully piggy back off ubuntu.)
1.5) rewrite or completely over hall the current ppm gui.
2) already said but re write overvhall the puppy Linux installer, and only include one.
3) replace jvm with mate and theme it similar to Mac pup see pic bellow. * I do feel like a menu bar at the top and a few puppy icons would be great.
4&4.5) install and set the light display manager, and possibly re work some scripts If / when something dose not work.
I'm pretty sure I'm now skilled enough to handle most if not all of this, but I want suggestions from the community. ( It would be nice if a more experienced and up to date puppy Linux maintainer would be great).
This seems like a really long post so to recap I'm basically proposing a new puppy C.E (community Edition) for daily use on more modern hardware available for 64 bit and hopefully eventually arm. (while others would still maintain a more "classic" puppy.) I mean I'm going to. Honest and say this seems like a lot of work but I think I can do it with the help from the community. Does any one else have any other ideas they would like to see in the community edition.
This is not a final list of changes I want feed back from the community!
I do feel like I should give a disclaimer that I haven't made a custom puppy since version 4.0, and it wasn't a very good one. My puppy skills have gotten rusty, but my over all skills have improved a lot. This seems like a really large under taking but I'm hopeful that I can make it happen .