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Slacko Puppy 8.0?

Posted: Tue Jan 17, 2023 1:45 am
by yolhurt

Is a mainline Slacko Puppy 8.0 on its way anytime soon?

I like 01micko's Slacko releases and am interested to know if he'll be releasing another one (shortly or ever again).


Re: Slacko Puppy 8.0?

Posted: Tue Jan 17, 2023 8:50 pm
by bigpup

I say no by 01micko.

Maybe someone else will do it.

There is this one:

01micko seems to spend all his time working on Woof-CE the Puppy builder.

S15Pup 64bit and 32bit is the latest Puppy version based on Slackware.

Re: Slacko Puppy 8.0?

Posted: Wed Jan 18, 2023 12:29 am
by mikeslr

There was mention by a newbie of having a Slacko 8.3. But I think that was a scribner's error. Searching this forum, and general googling only reveals posts on that thread.

A new Slacko (hence 8) would either be binary compatible to Slackware 15 or Slackware-Current, designated ScPup64. Bigpup has pointed out peebee's recent build, S15, which is binary compatible with Slackware 15. peebee has also published a Slacko which is binary compatible with Slackware-Current, Both are very capable Puppys and both employ the ptheming GUI developed by 01micko.

If you prefer a different Window manager, I know ScPup64 can --and think S15 can-- use the those published by peebee. You'll find them in this Section. Or you can start with LxScPup64 directly,

For a very advanced Slackware-based Puppy employing the xfce desktop mistfire has published Quickpup, ... 469#p27469. It's a remaster of ScPup64.

And there are other 'slackos' and '32-bit slackos'. All of which have come into existence because of the time 01micko spends working on 'woof -the Puppy Builder'.

Re: Slacko Puppy 8.0?

Posted: Wed Jan 18, 2023 7:25 am
by peebee

Re: Slacko Puppy 8.0?

Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2023 2:34 am
by Clarity

Will there be a released v8.2.2 ISO...or later version released from these WoofCE built-tools?

Re: Slacko Puppy 8.0?

Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2023 4:51 am
by yolhurt

Thanks everyone for the replies. I'm going to try out some of the Puppys mentioned.