I assume that the actual, Jan 25, french version of initrd files on github has been made with the chk2 version because of the usage of single quotes in this version. However, I mention that the chk3 version included also wording improvements with the transformation of all strings from single to double quotes
In case of interest to adopt them, here the chk4 version made with the files as available since Jan 25 on github (single quote string with no escape character) and including the improvements of chk3 version:
I made the following changes (plus a few minor ones not included below - taking more time than I thought to report them):
Code: Select all
e -> last english version Jan25 on github
f -> last french " " " "
4 -> proposition in chk4 files
1) chk4.find-file.str.fr
-> no changes
2) chk4.fscheck.str.fr
-> no changes
3) chk4.rollback.str.fr
-> no changes
4 ) chk4.fixlayers.str.fr
Code: Select all
e S002='Scanning:'
f S002='Numérisation :'
p S002='Recherche de fichiers:'
(already explained)
5) chk4.init.str.fr
Code: Select all
e S015='Please enter the number corresponding to your keyboard layout.'
f S015='Veuillez saisir le chiffre correspondant à la disposition de votre clavier.'
4 S015='Veuillez saisir le nombre correspondant à la disposition de votre clavier.'
(I initialy translated 'number' by 'chiffre' (digit) instead of 'nombre' )
(would have been ok for choice between 0 and 9)
e S016='Choose the closest match, there will be an opportunity to fine-tune the layout
after the desktop has loaded. Press ENTER only for US.'
f S016='Choisissez la correspondance la plus proche, vous aurez la possibilité d'affiner
la mise en page après le chargement du bureau.
Appuyez sur <Enter> uniquement pour choisir les États-Unis.'
4 S016='Choisissez la correspondance la plus proche, vous aurez la possibilité d'affiner
la mise en page après le chargement du bureau.
Appuyez sur <Enter> uniquement pour choisir le clavier US (États-Unis).'
(a bit more explicit: when choosing US its the keyboard (clavier) which is chosen)
e S017='Note: on some PCs the keyboard does not work at this stage of bootup.
In that case, wait 5 minutes for bootup.'
f S017='Note: sur certains PC, le clavier ne fonctionne pas à ce stade du démarrage.
Dans ce cas, attendez 5 minutes pour le démarrage.'
4 S017='Note: sur certains PC, le clavier ne fonctionne pas à ce stade du démarrage.
Dans ce cas, attendez 5 minutes pour la finalisation du démarrage.'
(less clear in french to wait for the completion of the bootup, so added 'finalisation')
e S103='Exited from init script early, nothing yet mounted.'
f S103='Sortie anticipée du script d\'initialisation, rien n\'est encore monté.'
4 S103='Sortie anticipée du script d'initialisation, rien n'est encore monté.'
-> ERROR here: two escape characters escape the change :-)
e S115='Working drive read speed test (lower the better):'
f S115='Test de vitesse de lecture du lecteur de travail (plus bas est meilleur):'
4 S115='Test de vitesse de lecture du lecteur de travail (une faible note indique un bon résultat):'
(initial translation: 'plus bas est meilleur' is really ugly french)
(didn't find an expression as compact as the english one)
e S120='Resizing working-partition to fill drive'
f S120='Redimensionner la partition de travail pour remplir le lecteur'
4 S120='Redimensionnement de la partition de travail pour remplir le lecteur'
(Redimensionner: to resize, redimensionnement more in line with resizing)
e S121='ERROR: unable to resize working-partition'
f 121='ERREUR: redimensionnement impossible de la partition de travail'
4 S121='ERREUR: échec du redimensionnement de la partition de travail'
4 S123 same mod
4 S124 " "
4 S125 " "
... other similar changes
e S195='extra squashfs file does not exist, removed from load-list.'
f S195='Le fichier squashfs supplémentaire n\'existe pas, supprimé de la liste de chargement.'
4 S195='Le fichier squashfs supplémentaire n'existe pas, supprimé de la liste de chargement.'
-> ERROR: escape character
Please note, in case of choosing to keep the actual (Jan 25) version, that S103 and S195 have escape characters.
On a final note (which with programming is never true ), please congratulates your daughter for her excellent logo's idea.
(I didn't post my appreciation in the thread "Thinking about the logo", to not clog the expression of ideas and meaningful responses)
The 'ez' on 'os' is graphically appealing but the her idea of a dog wearing sunglasses is 'meaningfully' appealing.
It both gets the spirit of the goal of the os and respect the traditional theme of your line of os.