I don't know of any 'official list'. Hoping to find one in the /root/packages or /var/packages I mounted 32bit_compatibility_fossa64,sfs. But it doesn't have either folder. Worst case scenario, do the same and make a note of all files in /lib and /usr/lib.
You might be able to get by using fossapup's. That's what Duprate did when with Voidpup and I can confirm that it worked in early Voidpups but not later ones. See the post here, viewtopic.php?p=60293&sid=e14ef09510118 ... 5f1#p60293 and the several posts immediately before it. But take particular note of the possible need to move libraries out of /lib. IIRC, 'user-merge' was implemented in Ubuntu Jammy: applications by users can not use top-level folders. But also note, if you have to move libraries, /root/my-applications/lib --unique to puppys-- can also be used.
The reason why 32-bit compatibility SFS may not have to be 'distro-specific' is that it provides almost an entire operating system, running independently, only called from and later using the web-applications of the 64-bit system.
Still, VanillaDpup may be a better candidate for your project than Jammypup. Ubuntu jammy had entirely dropped 32-bit while debian has not and dimkr has published both 64-bit and 32-bit VanillaDpups. If you have to use 32-bit libraries newer than fossa's, you'll have to use debian's.
But why this project? What 32-bit applications do you want/need to run?
There's an alternative you might consider: run a 32-bit operating system in a Chroot. Sorry, I have to go out so can't point to the specific post where discussed dissembling a Chroot published by MikeWalsh then using the base/core sfs of any puppy, remastered to include wine, as the cont folder in a Chroot.sfs. You may be able to locate it using https://rockedge.org/psearch/ and some combination of the search terms mikeslr, chroot, wine.