CUPS printing fix
Testing the new EasyOS Kirkstone-series, printing was broken, and fixed it, see blog post: ... -cups.html
Well, it turns out that the Dunfell-series also has the same problem. Federico sent me an email that when printing, there is a popup requiring root login, which he found to be very annoying.
Federico found that the same fix applied to the Kirkstone-series also worked for him. This is part of his email:
Dear Barry,
we applied the patch you suggested.
- we created the file inside the /root/Startup folder
- we gave it execution permissions
- we pasted the following lines inside it:
Code: Select all
FSCRYPTID="$(grep ' logon ' /proc/keys | head -n 1 | cut -f 1 -d ' ')"
if [ "$FSCRYPTID" ];then
su -l spot -c "grep -q '_uid\.502' /proc/keys || keyctl link 0x${FSCRYPTID} @us"
It worked perfectly. We are not experiencing any more problems with CUPS by now.
We are particularly thankful to you for the immediacy of the support you provided us.
We are also glad for the fact that this information may also be helpful to other people.
We wish you a happy new year.
Very interesting. I surmise that when 'cupsd' was unable to execute a filter utility as user 'spot', it then popped up a window asking for root access. It already has root access, but I suppose it asks for security reasons.
Anyway, it is good news that the fix works for the Dunfell-series also. Here is the github commit: