Reflections on tech support by a Music Educator
Being a music educator, private instructor, college professor, band leader, I have found it necessary over the years to hone my understanding of the learning process. In other words, I've been driven by necessity to address the question of how to impart very complex information systems to people of diverse learning apptitudes, ages, and personality types.
For instance, how do you teach someone to play jazz?
Well, first of all you don't try to teach them to play jazz. You teach them to understand a few simple principles at a time. What's most important is to first teach them the process of learning to play jazz, and to prioritize the steps in the process. Once they are familiar with the process, they begin to ask the right questions.
Consider this scenario, one I encounter every day:
studentA: What should I do this week? What's my homework?
geo_c: Just take [concept A] and apply it to [implementation A]. Do you undersand what I mean by that?
studentA: *affirmative nod*
geo_c: Good, can you repeat back what I said in your own words?
studentA: *deer in the headlights expression*
geo_c: If you don't understand, that's alright, just say so and ask me a question. That's why I ask.
Then there's the opposite scenario:
studentB: What should I do this week? What's my homework?
geo_c: Just take [concept A] and apply it to [implementation A]. Do you undersand what I mean by that?
studentB: Yes but what about [concept W]? Shouldn't I be doing that for [implementation XyWQr]?
geo_c: No, first master using [concept A] and apply it to [implementation A].
The takeaway from both of these scenarios is that people are all over the map with their knowledge base and understanding of it. My job is to enlarge their knowledge base, but at the same time prioritize the focus. Because a lot of information without focus actually impedes the learning process in my experience.
How does this relate to computing, and a support forum?
Recent attempts to help puppy newbies have highlighted the need to apply the above information commuication techniques. Puppy is not a simple concept for people coming from BigBox OS's, especially if they're new to Linux.
Giving personality-typeA too much information results in the deer-the-headlights response. Giving personality-typeB too much information results in an extremely convoluted set of hardware/software conditions difficult to untangle in a forum format.
Just some thoughts.
I've been taking special care to read forum questions and topic responses very carefully before responding, as to hone the focus as much as humanly possible. Then when I respond I check and edit my grammar and syntax for clarity and precision. It's quite literally an art form. Because people are themselves works of art.