How to get some window tiling features in Jwm and other window managers
How to get some automatic Window Tiling features in Jwm.
Not as robust and pure tiling window managers, but at least we get some basic features.
[1] go to this site and get the latest downlod release. I chose the 64-bit version
[2] copy the file over to /usr/bin
- optional I renamed it to zentile
[3] make the file executable. In my case
Code: Select all
chmod +x /usr/bin/zentile
[4] add the binary to your startup apps:
In the menu in Setup -> Puppy Setup -> Startup
Choose: Manage Startup Apps -> Add to Startup
In the blank input box, type the name of the zentile binary executable, press the + icon, press ok
[5] Reboot Puppy.
Upon, reboot. Tiling is enabled by these shorcut keys: Ctrl + Shift + t
To turn off tiling, press: Ctrl + Shift + u
These are the basic features I use. There may be more advanced options that I have not discovered, so feel free to
add them if you find something useful. Also, if you find alternative apps, please let us know!
I did this in Vanilla Dpup 9.3 beta and confirms it works. Hopefully your pup has the above mentioned app to add it to startup. If not, you will have to find another way. To test it without adding to startup, just run the command in the terminal and activate tiling with Ctrl +Shift + t
Happy tiling!
EDIT: I modified this even further so that it is enabled automatically, but for this you need to have xdotool installed. This is an alternative to step 4 above.
Create the following script, make it executable and add it to the startup in place of the zentile binary. I had to add the sleep option to get it to work properly on my machine.
You may need to increase the sleep time on yours if it is slower than my computer.
Code: Select all
/usr/bin/zentile &
sleep 5 && xdotool key ctrl+shift+t &