How to add to or remove applications from the default build
Maybe skip down to the next post and come back after reading it.
Sorry, but my ability to learn languages --even bash-- is limited. I can get the 'gist' of what the various sections of scripts do, but haven't been able to identify a particular section of code which would have to be edited to have a pet (not obtained by 'woof' itself) incorporated into a build; nor --for that matter-- remove applications woof scripts would include by default.
These questions came up (again) as I was attempting to build an updated version of xenialpup64. (Don't ask ) 2createpackages generated an error message that read:
"ERROR: 'jwmconfig3' package does not exist.
You will need to find a matching package and place in packages-pet,
or packages-deb-xenial as appropriate.
Do it, then rerun this script and choose to build jwmconfig3.
ERROR: 'syslinux_xenial' package does not exist.
You will need to find a matching package and place in packages-pet,
or packages-deb-xenial as appropriate.
Do it, then rerun this script and choose to build syslinux_xenial."
I was able to easily "find" those packages. I booted into my current version of Xenialpup64 and ran gnewpet*. ... 211#p73211. And I found a logical place to put the resulting pets: /local-repositories/x86_64/pet-packages.
But does the 2createpackages script 'index' pets it finds there and then use that index; or was there some earlier part of the scripts which created such 'index'; or something else?
Actually, it gets a little more complicated. I ran gnewpet twice, once selecting 'woof-match'. So I ended up with 3 pets:, and Not sure if there's any difference between the latter two. But it does matter if 2createpackages is using a pre-existing index specifying a pet with one suffix --like while the pet placed in pet-packages has no, or a different, suffix.
Similarly, examining what pets were now located in local-repositories/x86_64/pet-packages revealed (for example) plus a lot of 'dev' and 'doc' pets. I never use abiword; and when installing or creating pets via PPM usually choose to 'strip' 'devs' and 'docs'. Would just deleting pets from that folder suffice, generate error messages which could be ignored, or something else such as having to edit some already existent 'index'?
Along the same lines, I noticed the companion /local-repositories/x86_64/packages-deb-xenial has debs such as /libjasoncpp-dev_1.7.2-1_amd64.deb. I'm less certain that Ubuntu's 'dev' packages aren't as unnecessary for ordinary daily usage a Puppys. But if I were certain that a 'deb' wasn't needed, how would I 'strip' them from the build?
* Bye the way, I could not run gnewpet under Fossapup64-9.6. It is NOT a 'user-merge' problem. I looked. My next guess is that the current bash dialect is sufficiently different than that used by jpeps in Jan 2012 when he last updated the application. Or it could be that gnewpet doesn't work when installed pets are cataloged in /var and symlinked back. At any rate, someone with actual coding skills should look into this. gnewpet is really a very useful tool.