How to open run window in Tahrpup? (Solved)
Does anyone know a way to open the run window in tahrpup, other than the keyboard shortcuts windows key + r and alt + F2, neither of which works?
Discussion, talk and tips
Does anyone know a way to open the run window in tahrpup, other than the keyboard shortcuts windows key + r and alt + F2, neither of which works?
If you have jwmdesk you can configure shortcut keys.
Or you can edit the jwm configuration files.
If you want, you can drag /usr/local/bin/xrun
to the desktop
then right click the icon and select in the menu Edit Item
and set the shortcut key to what you want.
Thanks for quick reply, williams2.
I don't understand how your first two points would help.
The third point (re xrun) sounds more promising, except that there's no xrun file anywhere on this system and it's not available through ppm.
What's a run window? Is it like a terminal?
This is xrun (already installed in BionicPup64)
I bought this might be what the OP was referring to.
Like MS Windows command window.
If you are using the roxfiler pinboard (desktop)
you can drag any executable to the desktop,
right click the icon and (Edit Item)
and set the keyboard shortcut.
I usually popup a text terminal, (Winkey+T)
and type commands in the terminal.
Winkey is the Super key.
Which Tahrpup version are you running? It's installed in version 6.0.6 but not in version 6.0.5
In both versions WinKey+R is supposed to open the app gexec. Only problem is that this app isn't installed
In both versions Alt+F2 is supposed to run the JWM "window" command and most likely works as intended, Has nothing to do with a "run window" (assuming that you mean a window where you put in a command). Instead it opens the little menu of a window's title bar (it's the same as clicking on the leftmost icon of a title bar).
It's rather the result of xrun. Xrun is a script that checks a list of possible application lauchers and runs the first that it finds on the system. It starts to look for gmrun , then gexec (both of which don't exist in Tahrpup), a couple of others and finally, if nothing else found, tries to start xterm. Your screenshot probably shows gexec since gmrun doesn't exist in BionicPup.
Ah! A clue! I looked for gexec and, as MochiMoppel says, it's not there (this is tahrpup 6.0.5). But, unlike xrun, it _is_ available in ppm. So I installed it, and ran it, and -- fry me liver and kidneys in unicorn lard if the run window didn't open!
It's just a shame that the command I'd been advised to try in the run window produced only error messages. But if I start talking about that here, the Off Topic Police will probably get me with their rubber hoses. I'd better start a new topic for that.
Thanks, folks, and don't miss next week's thrilling episode.