Take a Shot! - yet another screenshot utility...
[Original thread: https://oldforum.puppylinux.com/viewtop ... =84528&i=1]
Yeah, I know - there's a lot of them already and it would be complete nonsense to write another, but this one was made due to specific need - to include mouse cursor into screenshot.
I found out that ffmpeg has such ability and it's already in many Puppies, so no external tools are required.
The interface isn't beautiful, but (hopefully) intuitive in use; just keep in mind a couple of things:
- selecting region is a bit unusual: click on top-left corner of desired area and release mouse button, then click again on bottom-right corner
- cursor won't be included into screenshot (and additionally ffmpeg may behave weird in some Puppies) if you have only 16bit color depth, must be 24bit (you can change it via xorgwizard)
Requirements: Bash, Gtkdialog >= 0.8.1, ffmpeg/avconv, xwininfo, getcurpos, awk, tr, gifsicle (optional), xrectsel (optional)
I tested it in: Slacko-5.4 (Compiz) + briefly, using VBox, in Slacko- (JWM), Lupu-528 (Openbox), Precise-5.4.2 (JWM) and Akita-14 (JWM/Xorg; ffmpeg segfaults with XVesa).
TAS is currently developed on Fatdog64.
PS. I wrote this tool primarily for myself and I don't know if ffmpeg is really wise choice for such a task, but so far works nice for me.
Anyway, I can't guarantee it'll work flawlessly in all cases.
tas_NLS-1.17.pet contains the following translations:
- Polish (me)
- Spanish (nilsonmorales & vicmz) [needs updating]
- French (musher0 & charlie6) [needs updating]
- Dutch (Bert) [needs updating]
- Portuguese (vicmz & AntonioPt)
- Italian (vicmz) [needs updating]
- German (L18L) [needs updating]
- Russian (Sofiya)
Have fun &