PUP Control has been included in PUPs for many years. It is useful and a great guide for reaching the OS's features.
It is designed around a concept of buttons to get to its features.
But, it has a problem that has been with PUPs for years: Its screen is static and cannot be expanded or size dragged to accommodate what a user would want to see. It does have a slider that does work, but for some uses, it an advantage to being able to see more/all of the entries for a given button when the desktop real-estate allows.
I see in its Help that it is supported by someone named Roger D. Grider. Is there a way to get a message to him for a review of the static window size and ask for a change to allow the screen to be dragged to a resize by any use?
The current implementation is not broken, rather the ability to resize cripples. Also, see next post to this thread
Thanks in advance