Right up front, as a newcomer, I want to emphasize that I greatly appreciate all the effort expended by developers.
Accordingly, everything I write should be treated as constructive ... without the slightest tinge of complaint.
- - -
I recently downloaded the jammypup64-9.8.iso version of jammypup64 at
https://archive.org/download/jammypup64 ... jammypup64
and have been checking it out.
I have noted a very considerable number of jammypup64 shortcomings;
but those must all wait until later ...
because jammypup64 seems to suffer from what seems to be a serious problem ... viz:
when starting up, it seems unable to retrieve any save-file which is on an NTFS partition.
jammypup64 can happily =create= a save-file on an NTFS partition when shutting down ...
but it seems unable to retrieve same when restarting.
I checked out various older puppy_linux editions to find out at what stage the problem crept in.
https://distro.ibiblio.org/puppylinux/p ... 64-9.5.iso ... seems to have no such problem.
https://archive.org/download/Puppy_Linu ... p/Imppup64 9.6.1.iso ... seems to have no such problem.
https://archive.org/download/jammypup64 ... 4-9.7a.iso - ahhh, there's the problem.
https://archive.org/download/jammypup64 ... 4-9.7b.iso - again, the problem.
https://archive.org/download/jammypup64 ... 64-9.8.iso - again, the problem.
So it looks like the step from imppup64 to jammypup64 which introduces the problem.
Intriguingly, though, the corresponding step from peabee's imppup32 to jammypup32 [and even beyond!] seems clean.
https://sourceforge.net/projects/zestyp ... o/download ... seems to have no such problem.
https://sourceforge.net/projects/zestyp ... o/download ... seems to have no such problem.
https://sourceforge.net/projects/zestyp ... o/download ... seems to have no such problem.
As to the problem itself:
my tracing indicates that an ntfs-3g return code of 21 is received by jammypup64's init script,
twice per call to /sbin/mountpartition,
when the latter [/sbin/mountpartition] makes the following two calls to ntfs-3g:
line 43: ntfs-3g $MNT_DEV $MNT_DIR -o umask=0,no_def_opts,noatime,rw,silent
line 47 [retrying with force option]: ntfs-3g $MNT_DEV $MNT_DIR -o umask=0,no_def_opts,noatime,rw,force,silent
Now, a return code of 21 from ntfs-3g is documented as "meaning" [hey, I use that term extremely loosely]
Unclassified FUSE error
[see https://www.systutorials.com/docs/linux ... -3g.probe/]
Not really very helpful.
The call stack as these return codes of 21 are received is as follows:
init line 1086: #ensure that save partition is mounted
init line 1089: [ "$SAVEPART" ] && ensure_save_mounted
init line 293: ensure_save_mounted() {
init line 295: ensure_mounted "$SAVEPART" "$SAVE_MP"
init line 250: ensure_mounted() {
init line 263: /sbin/mountpartition /dev/${1} $ONE_MP $ONE_FS
init line 266 [again after 3-sec sleep in case usb optical drive]: /sbin/mountpartition /dev/${1} $ONE_MP $ONE_FS
However: once jammypup64 initialization is complete,
it is then not a problem to have the "troublesome" NTFS partition mounted on request --
the return code from ntfs-3g is then 0, and the partition can be accessed completely normally
[though of course it is far too late by then for it to be set as the save-file partition].
The "return code of 21 from ntfs-3g" thing is only during the jammypup64 initialization phase
[which explains how jammypup64 can happily create a save-file on an NTFS partition when shutting down].
With that ... over to you!
[I have quite a lot of other information available, if need be -- but that's the heart of it.