Hello all.
Interesting discussion.
My thoughts:
The idea is to capture someone unfamiliar with Puppy to download a version and try it out via Distrowatch.
It would be helpful to make the Puppy offered as easy / user friendly / includes most everyday used apps and resource light as possible.
I feel that BionicPup32 and BionicPup64 fits the bill.
I entered the Puppy world as a newbe (and still am in many respects after about a year) trying out many versions and finally settled on BionicPup32.
It made me feel comfortable in using it.
You can tweak a lot to personalise it.
Feeling my way around unknown territory was not too hard using a bit of 'suck it and see'.
I know that this distro can be looked at as 'a bit long in the tooth' by some and not cutting edge.
However -
It is a good, sturdy and reliable OS.
Maintained on a regular basis by a dedicated enthusiast.
IMHO BIonicPup makes a very good entry level OS for someone wanting to get a feel of what we all enjoy.
If they stick with it and then want to 'experiment' with other versions then they will have had a very good base to start from.
Just my thoughts.
Best regards