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where do you go to find out about linux distributions?

Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2022 11:59 pm
by wanderer

hi all

since we are having our little problem with distrowatch
i was just curious where everyone is going to find out about linux distributions
for example
new distributions
and whats going on generally with established distributions

i still go to distrowatch
its the only comprehensive overall view i know of


Re: where do you go to find out about linux distributions

Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2022 1:16 am
by wiak

When writing weedogit script I consulted distrowatch for candidates

Re: where do you go to find out about linux distributions?

Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2022 3:10 am
by Grey

It seems better to watch news sites without a rating. For example, this one: 9to5linux. For example, there is a note about the Juno tablet, recently discussed on the forum. Also, @Clarity will probably be interested in an article about the new Vbox, which this year finally got a DXVK (originally intended for Wine) for 3D graphics (I thought they would be screwed only next year :) ).
In the upper right corner there is a slider to switch the light and dark themes of the site; it's nice.

Re: where do you go to find out about linux distributions?

Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2022 3:44 am
by wiak
Grey wrote: Thu Oct 27, 2022 3:10 am

It seems better to watch news sites without a rating. For example, this one: 9to5linux. For example, there is a note about the Juno tablet, recently discussed on the forum. Also, @Clarity will probably be interested in an article about the new Vbox, which this year finally got a DXVK (originally intended for Wine) for 3D graphics (I thought they would be screwed only next year :) ).
In the upper right corner there is a slider to switch the light and dark themes of the site; it's nice.

Distrowatch is useful in a couple of ways. Yes, marketing, though the way ratings are calculated has limited meaning. Nevertheless those highlighted nearest to the top of the list obviously draw attention to potential users who may well then try them out. It is a large list, hence my saying I used it as part of my choices for weedogit inclusion. The other thing I find distrowatch useful for is to see what components and versions of core components such as glibc, X or Wayland, desktop managers, and apps a distribution provides or supports as options as well as the upstream repo being supported. Deeper technical matters about Linux developments are covered elsewhere at different levels of complexity. Note that zorin remains active on distrowatch depite the fact it continues to be based on FocalFossa and likely to stay that way for quite some time to come - however occasional updates for security and so on are released so the distro remains active. Fossapup on the otherhand tends to rely on a very old release hence loses active status - seems to me the Puppy stewards should have been making update releases every now and then in order to keep Puppy visible.

So I do see Distrowatch as relevant in terms of continuing marketing strategy - plenty of distro choice out there nowadays. Obviously the current forum membership are well-aware of what is available anyway, but new users don't join Puppy Linux forum unless they have come across something that suggested Puppy Linux is a good distro to try. Since most articles about Puppy Linux are about pretty old distributions (including Fossapup), Puppy does not it seems to me come across as a very active distribution. Unless you browse this forum where exactly do you hear about newer Pups such as Vdpup, vupup and VoidPup? Like alone KLV-airedale, which is not a Pup, and which is almost certainly unknown to most anyone other than those who regularly browse this forum.

Re: where do you go to find out about linux distributions?

Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2022 4:11 am
by Grey
wiak wrote: Thu Oct 27, 2022 3:44 am


By the way, there seems to be no mention of MagOS - aka Magic Constructor :) - on DW. This is a Russian system based on ROSA (also Ru, once separated from Mandriva).
MagOS uses the best practices of UIRD. Well, you may remember this initialization system for modular Linux systems.

In the upper right corner there is a link to the English translation (no one really counted on English-speaking users). The comments in the scripts are probably still in Russian, if Mikhail didn't change anything.

The update was at the end of September. Pretty good. Compiz works great, I even missed it... more precisely, by its animation effects, when the window flies down the screen in the form of a paper airplane :)

Re: where do you go to find out about linux distributions?

Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2022 4:30 am
by wanderer

very nice site grey thanks

but i do agree with wiak

when you want to order things in your mind you make a list

and the ranking do indicate interest in a particular distro
that encourages people to take a look at what other people are interested in

and of course then when you are drawn to the puppy forum
you have many more distros that are showcased
and as wiak said would never see the light of day any other way
(unless they too were listed and high ranking on distrowatch)

so in my opinon distrowatch is very important for puppy
and we should release frequent updates to pique interest

i find it very bizzare
that with all the territoriality of that only the puppymaster decides what is an official puppy
and only official puppies get on our distrowatch page
no one bothered to even keep up a simple page

no criticism meant
maybe 01micko is just too much of a genius
you know how brilliant people are when they get focused on things
i hope he gets in contact with us so we can remedy this issue

anyway the point of this thread
is to explore other sources
because i really haven't been going anywhere besides distrowatch for a long time
it just seems more orderly and comprehensive than other sites to me


Re: where do you go to find out about linux distributions?

Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2022 4:50 am
by Grey

In the Bible there was something like "don't make yourself an idol!". & we have some kind of cult of DW worship here :)

Re: where do you go to find out about linux distributions?

Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2022 4:58 am
by wanderer

all hail the all seeing and all knowing distrowatch

but seriously i am looking for other sources


Re: where do you go to find out about linux distributions?

Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2022 12:14 pm
by sfein1000

To find out about updates or new I ones, I follow a couple of linux people on YouTube and they will occasionally show some. For example one just showed Exlight Linux ad a lightweight dist. Never heard of it before. But even more importantly are the comments. That's where I'll find other opinions to look at. For example, on that same video's comments, someone posted, if you think that's light, look at Puppy Linux.

The way I found out about Puppy was, I googled lightweight linux distributions. Read a few lists and went to the dists website or searched on the dist and reviews.

Now did those website authors use distrowatch? No clue. But I have never been to that site.

Re: where do you go to find out about linux distributions?

Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2022 6:36 pm
by wanderer

hi sfein1000

yes i do remember i searched for tiny distros
maybe thats where i found puppy
i know it was when puppy was puppy 201

for me its an interesting puzzle
where i found linux and puppy

i know i first bought a book on redhat linux
that had a set of disks in it
couldnt get on the internet with it
first was able to access the internet with adios linux

there was a company that sold disks
i got my distros from there
so i know i ordered a puppy linux disk
this was before broadband so you really couldnt download a distro

very interesting that you have never gone to distrowatch

i wonder where we are getting our puppy fans now


Re: where do you go to find out about linux distributions?

Posted: Sat Oct 29, 2022 3:06 pm
by rockedge

Exlight Linux

anyone else notice the base ISO for this distro is 2+ GiB ??? Seems to negate the "light" part some how, I saw this one on Distrowatch being touted for it's efficiency.

Re: where do you go to find out about linux distributions?

Posted: Sat Oct 29, 2022 3:30 pm
by amethyst
rockedge wrote: Sat Oct 29, 2022 3:06 pm

Exlight Linux

anyone else notice the base ISO for this distro is 2+ GiB ??? Seems to negate the "light" part some how, I saw this one on Distrowatch being touted for it's efficiency.

Should be Ex-Light like ex-wife (a has been Light version). :)

Re: where do you go to find out about linux distributions?

Posted: Sat Oct 29, 2022 4:07 pm
by geo_c
rockedge wrote: Sat Oct 29, 2022 3:06 pm

Exlight Linux

anyone else notice the base ISO for this distro is 2+ GiB ??? Seems to negate the "light" part some how, I saw this one on Distrowatch being touted for it's efficiency.

Not to rush KLV, but I think the market is ready for it's appearance.

Re: where do you go to find out about linux distributions?

Posted: Sat Oct 29, 2022 5:40 pm
by wizard


anyone else notice the base ISO for this distro is 2+ GiB ??? Seems to negate the "light" part some how, I saw this one on Distrowatch being touted for it's efficiency.

And only 3gb of ram to run it in ram. Laughed when I saw that. I do get a laugh when I look at what most distros/articles tout as "light weight" and I've tried lots of them. NO one gets even close to Puppy in terms of "light" and full featured. Even my "Friendly Fossa64" remaster that's pumped up by Firefox, VLC, VNC and Anydesk comes in with only a 600mb ISO.


Re: where do you go to find out about linux distributions?

Posted: Sat Oct 29, 2022 5:53 pm
by user1234
wizard wrote: Sat Oct 29, 2022 5:40 pm

full featured

Just a correction, not everything goes as expected in puppy (and that's the exciting part of puppy :thumbup2:. I am so in habit of this 'excitement' that I now won't even like to install ubuntu, even if given proper resources to run one as well).

sfein1000 wrote: Thu Oct 27, 2022 12:14 pm

if you think that's light, look at Puppy Linux.

Thanked your post just as I read that. I'll like to give this youtube comment a heart, in case I ever find this.

wanderer wrote: Wed Oct 26, 2022 11:59 pm

hi all

since we are having our little problem with distrowatch
i was just curious where everyone is going to find out about linux distributions
for example
new distributions
and whats going on generally with established distributions

i still go to distrowatch
its the only comprehensive overall view i know of


I have a bit different answer. I usually go about surfing on, which even allows to run a linux online.

Re: where do you go to find out about linux distributions?

Posted: Sat Oct 29, 2022 9:03 pm
by esos

Re: where do you go to find out about linux distributions?

Posted: Mon May 22, 2023 1:04 pm
by sucuklu yumurta

Re: where do you go to find out about linux distributions?

Posted: Mon May 22, 2023 1:54 pm
by pp4mnklinux

Hi, some years ago, I forgot everything about linux and started puppy.

For that reason this is where I obtain information and versions to use about "linux".

dozens to try, dozens to learn.- ... tributions

Here you can find interesting links.- ... uPPy_Linux

And csipesz has got good resources.- ... nJMQ2pKcms (I can't remember, but I think you must ask for permision to visit this drive)

Lots of resources.... lots of fun.


N.B.- General Linux at..

Re: where do you go to find out about linux distributions?

Posted: Mon May 22, 2023 10:48 pm
by Flash

Ask ChatGPT to compare Linux distributions.