Puppy Live USB .iso? (solved)

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Puppy Live USB .iso? (solved)

Post by kc1di-ME »

I have searched the forums and Net and have not found any puppy linux .iso that can be burned directly to a USB stick to make a live boot of puppy.

I only wish that the Puppy Dev's would create a good Live .iso that could be burned directly to a USB stick. Maybe they have but I've missed it. But so far as I can see it's not available. That puts a great disadvantage to the average user. Who might make good use of Puppy Linux. As most newer laptops and even desktop are no longer shipping with CD/DVD drives.

If you do a search of how to make a live USB for puppy you get a lot of hits but it's mostly way above what most newbies can handle. Just MHO. :)

Hope someone can help.

Last edited by bigpup on Wed Oct 26, 2022 2:35 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Puppy Live USB .iso?

Post by bigpup »


All Puppy Linux versions offered as a ISO can be put on a USB stick as a live install.

You do need to use an installer program that is designed to do this.

There are many out there.

USB installer programs 0ther OS's use to install Puppy to USB

I suggest using Unetbootin

It does have option to select the Linux OS to use.
But it is better to download the Puppy version ISO.
Select this ISO as source for what to install.


Puppy Tweaks for installing a Puppy iso:

Unetbootin does a basic iso image burn install to a USB flash drive.
Basically it is the same as a live CD image burn install.
It does not know about the tweaks, that the Puppy Universal Installer does, to identify the install as a USB flash drive install.
These tweaks tell the boot process that Puppy is on a USB flash drive and to limit the writes to the save file or folder.

However you can manually tweak the syslinux.cfg file on the USB flash drive.

Open the syslinux.cfg file in a text editor.


Code: Select all

append initrd=initrd.gz pmedia=cd


Code: Select all

append initrd=initrd.gz pmedia=usbflash

The things you do not tell us, are usually the clue to fixing the problem.
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Re: Puppy Live USB .iso?

Post by bigpup »

If you still have problems.

Tell us what specific Puppy version you are trying to use.

You are our eyes.

Be detailed in what you do and what you see.

The things you do not tell us, are usually the clue to fixing the problem.
When I was a kid, I wanted to be older.
This is not what I expected :o

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Re: Puppy Live USB .iso?

Post by wizard »

You will find a lot of good information and "how to" guides including how to create a bootable USB here: viewforum.php?f=184


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Re: Puppy Live USB .iso?

Post by kc1di-ME »

bigpup wrote: Tue Oct 25, 2022 12:08 pm

If you still have problems.

Tell us what specific Puppy version you are trying to use.

You are our eyes.

Be detailed in what you do and what you see.

Thank You bigpup for your replay and help. I've tried Unetbootin and the universal usb install but they do not work on my setup, Which is currently using Kubuntu 22.04. Unetbootin says the usb stick is not mounted even when it is and the universal install say it can not produce a live boot usb and quits. That's why I'm saying that Puppy should release an .iso file that can be burned directly to the usb I use Etcher most of the time and it has never failed to produce a good bootable usb stick from any of the major Distros .isos. There should be an easier way to have puppy on a usb.

My setup is a Lenovo T450 thinkpad and it works very well with every Linux Distro i've tried. I'm sure it would work with Puppy If I could only get a good usb install.

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Re: Puppy Live USB .iso?

Post by bugnaw333 »

I have tried burning USB stick for FossaPup64 9.5 on Linux Solus with BalenaAppImage and it works fine. :thumbup2:

You can DL some puppylinux iso here:

Best regards.

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Re: Puppy Live USB .iso?

Post by mikewalsh »

@kc1di-ME :-

Hullo, Dave! :welcome: to the 'kennels'... You decided to finally ask the question over here, did you?

I'm afraid I wasn't much help with it a couple of months ago at Linux.org.....but I believe I did suggest it might be better to ask the guys here (who know way more about this stuff than I do).

Me, I'm a bit of a bumbler when it comes to a lot of Linux stuff. I stumble from one disaster to another, if the truth be known.....frequently amazing even myself when I manage to make something work! :lol: :lol:

Nice to see ya here.

Mike. ;)

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Re: Puppy Live USB .iso?

Post by sonny »

You may wanna try "USBImager"

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Re: Puppy Live USB .iso?

Post by mikeslr »

USBImager should create a 'Live USB-Install'. But it has a limitation. Puppys achieve 'persistence' by storing changes in a SaveFile/Folder you optionally create at shutdown. Generally, a user will locate that SaveFile/Folder on the same media --in your case the USB-Key-- where the rest of Puppys system files are located. But USBImager creates a 'READ ONLY' medium: you can't write to it.

To obtain a 'fully workable' Puppy, you can use USBImager to 'burn' the ISO to one USB-Key. Then plug in a 2nd USB-Key and follow the instructions here: viewtopic.php?p=1788&sid=ebff5e4d5338d8 ... dd10#p1788

Two points to be kept in mind. I know that I mentioned that you can't use grub4dos with UEFI computers. I don't recall if I mentioned this: If you install grub2config, https://www.forum.puppylinux.com/viewto ... 703#p29703 into the Puppy on your 1st USB-Key you can immediately use it by opening Menu>Exit>Restart Graphical Server. This causes Puppys to 're-catalog' what applications are on its system.

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Re: Puppy Live USB .iso?

Post by mikewalsh »

Well, I decided to do a wee bit of experimenting.....probably repeating experiments I made before, if the truth be known!

Following the recommendations given in the "How to.." section at the top of the front page, I tried both RosaImageWriter AND Unetbootin.

For me, RosaImageWriter wouldn't behave itself. No matter how many times I started off with a pristine, FAT32-formatted flash drive, it kept overwriting the drive with an "unrecognised" filesystem and not writing anything. The first time it did this, I wasn't too fussed; I know older versions of gParted don't recognise ISO9660.......and I know for a fact that Rosa simply uses 'dd' for its operation.

For this test, I was using the Xenialpup 7.5 32-bit ISO image. It's "old reliable", and never fails to work.

I tried booting from it. It couldn't find the Puppy SFS main file........sounded familiar.

So I reset it all up again with Rosa, twice more.....making sure to redo the drive with a fresh, clean MBR just to make sure. Nada. Zilch. Absolutely nothing.......the drive wouldn't even mount afterwards, because there WAS no file-system there.

I gave up on Rosa.....and turned my attention to UNetbootin.


Now, this could all have been because I was running in my custom re-master of Slacko 560, where I've been all afternoon. I seem to recall 64-bit Rosa worked for me when we were testing stuff for @wizard , but the 32-bit build simply didn't function the way it should have done. So I may not be the best tester with this set-up.

Anyway; I tried UNetbootin. As it comes, OOTB, Xenialpup wouldn't boot from this either; again, couldn't find the main SFS file....

I mounted the ISO. I edited the isolinux.cfg file to change every instance of

Code: Select all



Code: Select all


I then re-built the ISO with jrb's marvellous pupbuild_tools suite. Redid the flash drive with a fresh format of FAT32 and a new MBR, then ran it through UNetbootin again. And this time, it booted straight up, AND allowed me to create a save-file (not -folder; remember, this is FAT32 here) then shut down, happy as Larry.


So; I'm a-wondering, now. Might it be an idea to modify the isolinux.cfg file in future Puppy builds to use "pmedia=usbflash" rather than "pmedia=cd"? Very few machines now come with a CD drive; USB is almost universal today.

Food for thought, perhaps? Might make things easier for noobs in future.....

Posting from it now with Slimjet-portable.

Mike. ;)

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Re: Puppy Live USB .iso?

Post by kc1di-ME »

Finally got it and am writing this from Puppy. Thanks for every ones welcome and help. I'm not new to puppy Used it about 10 years ago for a long time.
But always had a DVD/CD drive. Now don't have that any longer. But finally got the USB burned with Unetbootin.
Looking good too :)

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Re: Puppy Live USB .iso?

Post by Clarity »

Hello @kc1di-ME, you said:

kc1di-ME wrote: Tue Oct 25, 2022 11:22 am

... how to make a live USB for puppy you get a lot of hits but it's mostly way above what most newbies can handle ...

If a thread on this forum for newbies could show this to you, would you be willing to take 15min (MAX) to have such, with 'clear' understanding?
(There will be NO change to your running system or to any modern forum distro file you download :!: )

All that is needed is a USB stick/drive of ANY size.

I would be interested in your reaction.

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Re: Puppy Live USB .iso?

Post by williams2 »

Might it be an idea to modify the isolinux.cfg file in future Puppy builds to use "pmedia=usbflash" rather than "pmedia=cd"? Very few machines now come with a CD drive

AFAIK, pmedia=cd makes the init script in initrd to search all the file systems on all the drives for the Puppy sfs files.

I think pmedia=usbflash causes init to look for the Puppy sfs files only on usb drives.

Sometimes, it can be better to delete the pmedia= kernel option completely.

This is a shell script that finds all instances of the text pmedia=cd and over writes the text with spaces.

Code: Select all

# removes pmedia=cd from an iso file

cd /tmp/
rm -f blank.sh unblank.sh
echo 'This creates 2 scripts, blank.sh and unblank.sh'
grep -ab pmedia=cd "$f" | grep -v \{ | while read a
  b="$(echo "$a" | cut -d: -f1)"
  c="$(echo "$a" | cut -d: -f2-)"
  n="$(echo "$b+$e"|bc)"
  echo 'printf "         " | dd of="'"$f"'" bs=1 count=9 seek='$n' conv=notrunc' >> blank.sh
  echo 'printf "pmedia=cd" | dd of="'"$f"'" bs=1 count=9 seek='$n' conv=notrunc' >> unblank.sh
cat -b blank.sh

To use the script,
copy a Puppy iso file to /tmp/foss.iso
execute the blankpmedia.sh script.
It will not modify the foss.iso file in /tmp/
It does create the files blank.sh and unblank.sh

It will create 2 scripts blank.sh and unblank.sh in /tmp/
/tmp/blank.sh deletes all instances pf the text pmedia=cd in the iso.
/tmp/blank.sh puts the pmedia=cd text back in the foss.iso (undo)

For anyone interested.
A bit advanced for newbies to Puppy.
Just an example of what can be done.

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Re: Puppy Live USB .iso?

Post by Clarity »

Hi @williams2
I agree with all you shared in your above post. But I want to add a couple of items that members could find useful.

  • All desktops PCs shipped since 1990s have either CD/DVD drives thru 2021; while Laptops since 2019 do NOT. Most members in this forum have OLD units; as well as some have new units which they are using with other OSes.

  • Removing the pmedia is hit and miss in what you share as the INITs for past PUPs have changed over the recent years, depending which forum distro is downloaded.

  • It would be advantageous, from a universal Linux position, if focus is on GRUB2 for the benefit provided by the worldwide development and distro support from across the world in this for Linux. Thus PUP users benefit from this support no matter which distro they use in the Linux world as it is well understood by so many. It is kept current, is responsive, and has worldwide attention when ANY request are made for support. Intel, AMD, and ARM manufacturers as well, continue to be involved to insure this technology is secure and fast because this pertains to motherboard features and components.

Just some additional ideas.

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Re: Puppy Live USB .iso?

Post by wizard »


When developing the "Making a CD or USB for your First Boot" topic in "Getting Started and System Requirements" section I quickly found there could be no single "how to" that would cover all the Pups. It depends not only on the Puppy version, but also on the creation tool version, i.e., Rufus (USB creation tool) v3.17 works and v3.18 does not. The creation tools listed in the topic came from testing a list of almost 40 and were chosen because they worked with the recommended Pups, required little or no installation, and were easy to use.

We could develop a more comprehensive guide with instructions and creation tool recommendations for each Puppy version (maybe just starting with Tahr). Would take considerable time, could probably set it up as a table.


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Re: Puppy Live USB .iso?

Post by Geek3579 »

To burn ISO's to USB:

I have used Rufus running in windows 10 (if I need to) which always seems to work.
I use Barry's EasyOS if I am already running in ANY Puppy Linux. Great little program !

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Re: Puppy Live USB .iso?

Post by greengeek »

Clarity wrote: Tue Oct 25, 2022 5:43 pm

If a thread on this forum for newbies could show this to you, would you be willing to take 15min (MAX) to have such, with 'clear' understanding?
(There will be NO change to your running system or to any modern forum distro file you download :!: )

All that is needed is a USB stick/drive of ANY size.

I would be interested in your reaction.

Hi Clarity - I think this is a great challenge and something of great value to newbies.

I am not a newbie - but mostly limit myself to manual frgual installs on old hardware. (So I am an oldie on old hardware but a newbie on newer hardware)

Would love to try the "most recommended" method for those with newer hardware.

I am up for the 15minute test if you have suggestions.
(Would probably use an HP Elitebook for the testing)


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Re: Puppy Live USB .iso?

Post by Clarity »

Hello @greengeek This is probably TOO easy for you...not because you cant achieve it easily, but because you WONT have any questionsfor guidance, at all.

But, even at your level, I feel you could be helpful to all and I welcome your insight(s), All you need is a USB stick.

Give me a few moments as I think I want to word it slightly differently.

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Re: Puppy Live USB .iso?

Post by Clarity »

There are merely 3 things that are ever done

1st - A Step that is done only ONCE...ever!

  1. Download the IMAGE file from here

  2. Write the download to your USB

2nd - Test the new USB

  1. Boot the USB

  2. At its Menu screen ONLY hit the Enter-key and wait for the next Menu listing to emerge

  3. review what it shows

  4. Select one of the ISO files to boot; seen at the bottom

3rd - Add any additional forum WoofCE-PUPs/DOGs ISO FILE to the new USB

  • Boot any distro file you add to the USB's BOOTISOS folder
    Note: The partition holding the ISO files is rather small. Use GParted to expand it

Additional info:

  • Once you create your USB you are less than 15 minute away from your 1st booted PUP

  • All ISO files AND any installed distros are visible for booting

  • Any Ubuntu/Debian variant ISO file can also be added and booted as well

  • Persistence for all distros is managed by the booted distro

  • NO modifications to files, partitions, boot stanzas, or anything is needed

  • Best part - Use the same USB forever never needing to recreate it

If you feel something simple like this is something to witness, take the 15 minute plunge. There are pics, as well, with the IMAGE files in the forum thread, here.

PLEAESE UNDERSTAND that the thread offers you a choice of 2 image files; choose whether you want the one that has an ext2 filesystem or the one that has a f2fs filesystem. EITHER image file does exactly he same thing to boot ISO files in exactly the same way. @bigpup recommends ext2 version.

ANY and ALL feedback for improvement, welcomed.

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Re: Puppy Live USB .iso?

Post by mikewalsh »

.....and yet ANOTHER "advert" for SG2D or Ventoy.

You don't give up pushing it, do ya, Clarity? You're utterly convinced this is the "answer" to every 'boot problem' Puppians have ever encountered.... :o :)

Never mind. I've given up caring about it, though I just want to remind everyone; even though this clearly works for Clarity, it's no guarantee it will work for YOU. It's a good idea in theory, though from what I vaguely recall, many of the major distros gave up experimenting with it some years ago.

I tried it several times; the boot menu was generated, but none of the entries actually did anything. Perhaps I was doing something wrong. I neither know nor care, so...

....YMMV. Carry on regardless! :P

Mike. :D

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Re: Puppy Live USB .iso?

Post by bugnaw333 »

For Windows user, you can use any of the ff. in flashing puppylinux iso on USB stick:

1. https://rufus.ie/en/
2. https://www.balena.io/etcher/
3. https://www.techspot.com/downloads/6355 ... -tool.html

I have tried them all during my battle on Limine's EasyOS problem on my Fujitsu FUTRO laptop. :D

My source of iso:
https://puppylinux-woof-ce.github.io/ :thumbup:

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Re: Puppy Live USB .iso?

Post by esos »

For quick testing to burn ISO to USB with two options writeable or readonly LiveUSB-mode is "live-usb-maker-qt-19.11.02.x86_64.AppImage".
It is portable and run for many linux distros originally from MXlinux.
Hope useful.

LiveUSB-Maker.png (76.62 KiB) Viewed 4687 times
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Re: Puppy Live USB .iso?

Post by bigpup »

kc1di-ME wrote: Tue Oct 25, 2022 4:54 pm

Finally got it and am writing this from Puppy. Thanks for every ones welcome and help. I'm not new to puppy Used it about 10 years ago for a long time.
But always had a DVD/CD drive. Now don't have that any longer. But finally got the USB burned with Unetbootin.
Looking good too :)

Very Good!

So, give us the last page of the book :thumbup:

What Puppy version?

Did you do anything special in using Unetbootin?

Did you have to do anything special to the computer to get it to boot?

The things you do not tell us, are usually the clue to fixing the problem.
When I was a kid, I wanted to be older.
This is not what I expected :o

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Re: Puppy Live USB .iso? (solved)

Post by stevie pup »

So, the subject of Boot problems raises it's head yet again. As I've no doubt said somewhere before, I just don't get it. Why all the issues? I haven't yet figured out what other people are doing that I'm not, or vice versa. Although I've never used Unetbootin I have used Rufus, Balena Etcher, the image writer that comes with MX Linux, the image writer that comes with Linux Mint, and possibly others I've forgotten about. In addition to those I've also used Ventoy and YUMI. Irrespective of what method I use, I don't normally get any problems with booting up, either Puppies or other Linux distros.

I decided to do an experiment. I used a Windows 7 laptop to do a YUMI USB stick, and put the following ISO's on it:

Dpup Stretch
Vanilla Dpup

I then plugged the USB stick into a different laptop and went through each one in turn. The only one that wouldn't boot was Xenial. Don't know why not, and I don't really have any need to investigate, as this was just a quick trial.

Adding some guidelines about "How to create USB" is a great idea. but unless we can get to the bottom of why things are going wrong for some people we're going to have a difficult job.

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Re: Puppy Live USB .iso? (solved)

Post by greengeek »

stevie pup wrote: Wed Oct 26, 2022 6:33 pm

Although I've never used Unetbootin I have used Rufus, Balena Etcher, the image writer that comes with MX Linux, the image writer that comes with Linux Mint, and possibly others I've forgotten about.

Are there any puppies that have an inbuilt "image writer" gui that a newbie can use?

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Re: Puppy Live USB .iso?

Post by greengeek »

Clarity wrote: Wed Oct 26, 2022 7:31 am

This is probably TOO easy for you...not because you cant achieve it easily, but because you WONT have any questionsfor guidance, at all.

Actually - i always have many questions because i do so much tinkering that I hardly ever remember how I managed to get things working in the first place. :lol:

Just tried step one and balked at the 1.8Gb download, so will wait for a less busy day before continuing.
Will post other thoughts/questions in your other thread.

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Re: Puppy Live USB .iso?

Post by Clarity »

greengeek wrote: Wed Oct 26, 2022 7:27 pm

... the 1.8Gb download...

Yes,that is a one-time enclosure built from a 2GB stick that has several PUPs already present.

You'll quickly see its simplicity once you setup your USB.

Thanks for any observations you find. This has been available in Puppyland since 2019.

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Re: Puppy Live USB .iso? (solved)

Post by Clarity »

@mikewalsh why would you use this thread to "pick a fight" with me...again??? :?:



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Re: Puppy Live USB .iso? (solved)

Post by greengeek »

Just looking at the "Beginners Help" section in the forum index (first time i have done this for ages...) and i am surprised that there is no immediate division for WINDOWS users or other LINUX users in terms of setting up the initial install.

For example - the use of various utilities to write Puppy images - or to handle puppy isos or frugal installs - is very different if you only have WIndows, or if you have a machine running some other Linux or even some other puppy.

I think it would be helpful to have some stickies at the top of the Beginners Help section - that would immediately make apparent what to do if you are a windows user.

I see too many posts recommending image writing or installation utilities that require a running Windows machine. Would be nice for users to immediately channel themselves into threads appropriate to what they already have running.

I think that would also help advance the utilities that are currently available (or need to be made available) within Puppy.

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Re: Puppy Live USB .iso? (solved)

Post by mikewalsh »

Clarity wrote: Wed Oct 26, 2022 7:43 pm

@mikewalsh why would you use this thread to "pick a fight" with me...again??? :?:



Oh, Gawd. Here we go again...

You're SO easy to wind-up, Clarity..! :D Lighten up, man. Take a "chill pill"..! :lol: :lol:

Never seen anyone get so "stressed-out"..!

A word to the wise. Never, EVER take anything you read on-line personally. Especially not on forums. I made it quite clear, I couldn't care less about SG2D & Ventoy any more. There's nowt personal about it; hell, I'll even apologise if ya want me to! :)

I was just in a wicked mood earlier on. :lol: :lol: Sorry an' all that... :oops: :D

Ever heard of the old saying, "Sticks & stones, etc..."?

Mike. ;)

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