Thunderbird 64bit updater version 5 (must any uninstall previous version).
NOTE: Your system needs minimum 2Gb ram (2Gb swap may do, but slow).
Sets up basic files needed to update & run Thunderbird 64bit.
(Enables first install via internet download of 70+ mb also).
I made it as Thunderbird's auto-update doesn't work for me.
Runs as root from /opt/thunderbird. Briefly tested OK in ScPup64-21.04 & bionicpup64_8.0.
Use at own risk.
To install, first uninstall any other version of Thunderbird 64bit updater (via package manager),
then remove any other Thunderbird (may have to remove /root/.thunderbird , if previous version very old), then click on .pet in ROX-Filer. Sets entries in Internet menu, & makes Thunderbird 64bit the default email.
Must then run Thunderbird 64bit updater from Internet menu. Will download & install latest Thunderbird 64bit.
Can take a few minutes to do, depending on internet speed. Will display 'DONE' when finished.
When Thunderbird prompts for a future update, decline, close it & run Thunderbird 64bit updater from Internet menu.
ScPup64 21.04 needs gtk3 - is here: ...
ScPup64 21.04 needs xkbd libs (see below)