Thoughts about Android
I have read your blog about running EasyOS on an Android device. That's a very good idea.Tablets and even cellphones have so much memory and processor power nowadays. That shouldn't be a problem.
I didn't download yet, I'm only on 4G data connection, must wait until weekend is over, but I'm looking forward to Android studio sfs.. There are so many Apps for Android, and only small download volume , its worth to get some android run in "linux".
Btw, did you ever have a look at androidx86? Its working very well, just the boot up is not so easy if you have a multi boot computer|. Im wondering if it would be possible to boot this in an EasyOS Container? It generates an SFS anyway, but they are using old kernels....
Before I am wasting much time, maybe you can give me an advice, if its theoretically possible or not?
Thank you