Neo_78 wrote: Wed Sep 21, 2022 10:18 pm
Thanks @JakeSFR. The mentioned cli tools are exactly what I was looking for.
I am not sure if there are any alternative to 7zip for file encryption. 7zip seems to leave files unencrypted in temporary storage, which has been criticized:
Are there any encryption libraries that do not leave files in clear text in temporary storage?
Sure, there are more encryption tools OOTB in FD, like bcrypt (also not considered secure anymore), ccrypt, scrypt, gpg, cryptsetup.
However, it looks like the criticism is about how the Windows' 7zip GUI works, not necessarily the CLI utility itself (or its Linux port - p7zip), let alone the encryption, which is a real problem in PKZIP.
But still, if you open a file in an encrypted archive using e.g. Engrampa, it has to be extracted somewhere (/tmp/.fr-random_chars in this case), so the corresponding application can read it.
For more secure approach, you might be better off with a LUKS or Veracrypt container.
But even then, when you mount that container and open some file in an application, the application itself can create a temporary/backup copy of it somewhere and fail to delete it after closing.
For example, LibreOffice Writer also uses the /tmp dir, where it puts a copy of the opened file and if you kill LO's processes, the file will remain there.
The difference is that a file in /tmp is in a RAM disk, so at least it won't survive the reboot, even if the application fails to delete it beforehand, whereas locations like C:\Users\<user>\AppData\Local\Temp\ are more durable.
I guess the bottom line is: if you have an encrypted e.g. 7zip archive, it is reasonably secure (no practical attacks available), until you open it and access the files, in which case other factors come into play.