When you open ptheming's GUI, it will look like this, except I've already relocated the 1st panel to the bottom.
- ptheme's GUI.png (70.46 KiB) Viewed 1057 times
To do that, I had to first move the 2nd panel from its position on the bottom. I prefer it on the left side (and have to remember to change its orientation to vertical). If you want it at the top, first move it to a side, move the 1st panel to the bottom, then move the 2nd panel from the side to the top.
The primary reason I'm posting is that it took me quite a while to figure out that if I wanted the 1st panel to make use of the entire bottom I had to select the left-corner as its point of origin.
dimkr has constructed VanillaDPup to function like a 'full install' debian, albiet taking advantage of Puppy's 'merge file-systems' concept of locating installed applications, settings and customizations in a SaveFile or SaveFolder rather than --as you would have with a 'full install'-- overwriting the existing files in a 'full installs' one-only file-system. See, rockedge's quotation of dimkr's explanation of How Puppy Linux Works. https://www.forum.puppylinux.com/viewtopic.php?t=5818
VanillaDPup provided firefox as a built in. You can, of course, use it. And if you update the builtin version it will write the changes to your SaveFile/Folder. But Puppy has other means of using applications other than installing them. VanillaDPup can use portables, AppImages and SFSes. All of those are located external to your operating system: they don't over-write anything in that system or each other. So, when a new version is available, you can try that new version and if it there's a problem you still have your old version to fall back on.
Take a look at what Puppy's Additional Software Forum has to offer, https://www.forum.puppylinux.com/viewforum.php?f=7 In particular, note that both firefox and firefox-esr are offered as portables, https://www.forum.puppylinux.com/viewto ... 559#p37559. You can use their internal update mechanism. Updates will b written to their own (external-to-your-system) folder.