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Kernel Compiling - Kernel-kit

Posted: Wed Sep 02, 2020 6:59 am
by 01101001b
Well, it took me 15 years to be able to compile my first kernel successfully :oops: And at last, it's done :thumbup:

My thanks to @josejp2424 for his help and guidance. I drove him mad with questions! His answers were exactly what I needed to get back on track.

And this related post is pure magic! It helped me wonders too! :D

Now, the sky is the limit... sort of ;)

Re: Kernel Compiling - Kernel-kit

Posted: Wed Sep 02, 2020 8:49 am
by ozsouth
Great! Kernel-Kit is wonderful. Keep at it - next challenge is improving DOTconfig settings. Also, some kernel versions are skunks, so don't be put off if you strike one of those (I've had a few! Usually superseded with a day or so). :thumbup2:

Re: Kernel Compiling - Kernel-kit

Posted: Wed Sep 02, 2020 12:19 pm
by rockedge
The kernel kit is really an important tool. I've been able to produce some real time kernels for Puppy's fairly easily with it. Including the patching process. So some pretty advanced stuff made accessible!