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FossaPup name changed to Debian after installing some sfs

Posted: Fri Sep 02, 2022 12:16 pm
by Jess0514

Hi good morning/evening to all of you. I am using fossapup x86_64 9.5. Frugal install on my 128 ssd and a laptop around 13-14 years old. I am doing normal stuff like addding additional sfs, installing some other stuffs from the puppy package manager when I realize that my distro name or release name (sorry if incorrect) from Puppy Linux to Debian. What do you think I did wrong I am not messing with the system settings or maybe I just installed something I shouldn't have? Please find the image below.



Re: Puppy Distro Name Change

Posted: Fri Sep 02, 2022 2:50 pm
by mikeslr

"What did I do wrong?" Likely nothing. There is "nothing new under the Sun" and no one "reinvents the wheel". Woof, the program used to create Fossapup64 does so by using binaries from Ubuntu's Focal Fossa, and initially by modifying the same kernel Ubuntu used in that distro-version. Ubuntu doesn't 'start from scratch'. It 'borrows' the work published by the debian Linux devs, then makes such modifications as Ubuntu thinks appropriate. Your first display (produced by HardInfo Hardware Information, a simple application) merely identifies the kernel as a debian kernel. Your second display (by Pupsys-Info) correctly reports that Fossapup64 as your Puppy.

Re: Puppy Distro Name Change

Posted: Fri Sep 02, 2022 3:30 pm
by Burunduk

One of your installed packages could have created the /etc/debian_version file. If this file exists, you can try to delete it.

Re: FossaPup name changed to Debian after installing some sfs

Posted: Fri Sep 02, 2022 7:20 pm
by rockedge

I agree, it's most likely that the file exists.

Re: FossaPup name changed to Debian after installing some sfs

Posted: Sat Sep 03, 2022 2:55 pm
by Jess0514

Thanks guys. Still can't figure it out. Tried to search for the

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but still no avail. Although

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cat lsb-release

seems to be okay if I run the command

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lsb_release -a

still debian shows. I tried google it and says add it in the environment variable

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which happens to have correct distribution name and code but still no luck. I have attached the screenshot of my terminal. Anyway thank you very much all for the information.


Re: FossaPup name changed to Debian after installing some sfs

Posted: Sat Sep 03, 2022 6:08 pm
by Burunduk

Well, you don't have the /etc/debian_version file but you have the lsb_release program. It's not installed by default and is probably a dependency of some other package you've added. This program is used by hardinfo when available, and it fails to detect puppy linux.

As you already know it's puppy, you could just ignore what hardinfo is reporting. Or try to run this command (it works with the lsb_release installed from PPM):

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ln -s /etc/os-release /usr/lib/

Now you should see:

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root# lsb_release -di
Distributor ID:	Puppy_Fossapup64
Description:	fossapup64 9.5

(This lsb_release response may be unexpected for the program that depends on it.)

Re: FossaPup name changed to Debian after installing some sfs

Posted: Sun Sep 04, 2022 8:07 am
by Jess0514

Wow it works. Thanks buddy. :) :) :) :)
