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Rox-Filer icon gone in TaskBar for BionicPup32

Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2022 10:35 am
by Amit Ranaware

how to set the icon for Rox-Filer

it dont show any icon for Rox-Filer in the TaskBar

i have now idea how that happen , i was just trying different gtk themes

the taskbar which include rox-filer without icon
the taskbar which include rox-filer without icon
Screenshot.png (29.34 KiB) Viewed 940 times

Re: Rox-Filer icon gone in TaskBar for BionicPup32

Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2022 7:19 pm
by williams2

I don't know about BionicPup32, in BionicPup64, this is in the file /root/.jwmrc

Code: Select all

<Program label="ROX-Filer file manager" icon="/usr/share/pixmaps/puppy/open.svg">roxfiler</Program>

and also in the backup file /root/.jwmrc-previous

The are applications that modify configuration files directly,
and there can be problems if a configuration file is not modified correctly,
or if a config file has lines that were modified in a way that works, but is not laid out the way that the program that is doing the modifying, expects.

Re: Rox-Filer icon gone in TaskBar for BionicPup32

Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2022 7:43 pm
by mikeslr

File-browse to /usr/share/applications/Rox-Filer-file-manager.desktop? Does it display an icon? If not --though unlikely-- you may have settled on a theme which doesn't include an icon for rox; or possibly the icon is corrupted.

You can change the icon rox will display. Open its desktop file in a text editor. Note the argument which follows after Icon=. You'll find icons in /usr/share/pixmaps; /usr/share/icons and /usr/local/lib/X11/pixmaps and /themes. Each theme has its own folder. You can check to see if the theme you chose has an icon for rox.

icons in png format seem to work best. Usually those in svg and xpm also work. You can download icons from the Web and if necessary open them in a paint editor and convert them to an acceptable format.

Although not always necessary, when specifying an icon after Icon= I put in the full path; e.g. Icon=/usr/local/lib/X11/pixmaps/my-icon.png. Note the '.png'. Applications built for other operating systems don't always provide an 'ending'. Puppys often insist that they do.

If you change an icon, in order for an application on your taskbar to display it you may have to delete than reinstall that launcher. Maybe also restart-x AKA Graphical Server.

Re: Rox-Filer icon gone in TaskBar for BionicPup32

Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2022 11:12 pm
by bigpup

I will do a little guessing, but this could need to be a hunt for what is going on.

This is one possible cause.

Rox-filler is a little different from a normal program.

First need to know if there is a ROX-Filer in /user/local/apps?
If yes.
Is it displayed as an icon that looks something like a folder?

Screenshot(6).jpg (23.76 KiB) Viewed 915 times

If no.
The ROX-Filer in /user/local/apps is actually a directory, with stuff in it.
Right click on ROX-filer
Select look inside.
A window will open showing the stuff inside.
Click on the eye icon to make it show hidden files.
should be a .Dirlcon image file.

Screenshot(7).jpg (29.69 KiB) Viewed 915 times

If no.
You need to put in (ROX-filer in /user/local/apps) an image file you want to use and name it .Dirlcon
THIS ICON NEEDS TO BE A .PNG IMAGE before you rename it to .Dirlcon

Some of the items in /user/local/apps
Have .Dirlcon files that are a symbolic link to an icon that is usually in /usr/local/lib/X11/pixmaps

There could be something else going on.
Really, control of what icon shows for what, is all over the place, in Puppy Linux.

Re: Rox-Filer icon gone in TaskBar for BionicPup32

Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2022 1:24 am
by MochiMoppel
Amit Ranaware wrote: Sun Aug 14, 2022 10:35 am

how to set the icon for Rox-Filer
it dont show any icon for Rox-Filer in the TaskBar

The JWM tray at the bottom is configured in the file /root/.jwm/jwmrc-tray2.
By default there is no ROX-Filer button and therefore no icon in this tray. These are the 3 buttons in a pristine BionicPup32-8.0 - obviously different from the ones shown in your screenshot:

Code: Select all

    <TrayButton label="Applications" icon="puppy.svg" border="false">root:9</TrayButton>
    <TrayButton label="Places" icon="puppy.svg">root:8</TrayButton>
    <TrayButton popup="Show desktop" icon="desktop.svg">showdesktop</TrayButton>

Check this file, and if this doesn't help, also check /root/.jwm/jwmrc-personal which may contain a tray configuration overriding the one found in jwmrc-tray2.

Speaking of ROX-Filer icon: I tried hard to figure out what the official .DirIcon depicts. I still have no clue. Could somebody please enlighten me? Looks like a white frog to me...

ROX-Filer icon.png
ROX-Filer icon.png (4.63 KiB) Viewed 886 times

Re: Rox-Filer icon gone in TaskBar for BionicPup32

Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2022 8:52 am
by Amit Ranaware

Thank You Everyone . Problem is solved

1st and 2nd solutiond didnt work but still helpful

the 3rd solution worked and here are some screenshots .

the post by MochiMoppel , i intentionally made "Apps" and "Places" to not show icons so my taskbar will have lot of space for other programs ,but still thanks .

this i saw when select &quot;restart graphical server&quot; from Appls then Leave button
this i saw when select "restart graphical server" from Appls then Leave button
error.jpeg (156.65 KiB) Viewed 879 times
the rox-filer has different icon but its ok for me ,<br />the .DirIcon was mission , idk how it got deleted , i just pasted a .png and renamed it to .DirIcon
the rox-filer has different icon but its ok for me ,
the .DirIcon was mission , idk how it got deleted , i just pasted a .png and renamed it to .DirIcon
all images.jpeg (154.53 KiB) Viewed 879 times

one more problem , the Task Manager ( lxtask ) icon is not shown . kindly help for this app

Re: Rox-Filer icon gone in TaskBar for BionicPup32

Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2022 12:51 pm
by bigpup

one more problem , the Task Manager ( lxtask ) icon is not shown . kindly help for this app

Does it have an icon where it is in the main menu?

I am wondering, why your install of Bionicpup32, is missing stuff, that my and others installs, are not.
My install had the ROX-Filer icon.

This for sure is in the main Bionicpup32 SFS files, that makeup the Bionicpup32 install.
These SFS files are read only.
So, to make anything in them not used. A change would have to be made, that is stored in the Bionicpup32 save file/folder.
Here is what is in the BionicPup32-8.0+30 ISO main SFS file.
As you can see the ROX-Filer has the .Dirlcon image file.

Screenshot(6).jpg (21.08 KiB) Viewed 860 times

Have you done anything to change desktop settings, from the original setup, the first time you booted Bionicpup32?
You have not changed window manager and are still using JWM window manager?

Just to make sure.
You did use this ISO of Bionicpup32 8.0?
BionicPup32-8.0+30 ISO

There is a chance your download of the Bionicpup32 ISO was not 100% good.
Same for the install.
It does happen.

Also, if the install was done on a partition that was used by other operating systems.
There is a chance the file system on it is corrupted.
That can cause all kinds of strange issues.
An install to a freshly formatted partition eliminates that possibility.

Re: Rox-Filer icon gone in TaskBar for BionicPup32

Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2022 1:01 pm
by Amit Ranaware
bigpup wrote: Mon Aug 15, 2022 12:51 pm

one more problem , the Task Manager ( lxtask ) icon is not shown . kindly help for this app

Does it have an icon where it is in the main menu?

Screenshot.jpg (172.88 KiB) Viewed 864 times

here is the main menu (i dont remember that icon in main main is its original icon or not)
icon are not show on task manager window , at task bar (Tray at bottom)

Re: Rox-Filer icon gone in TaskBar for BionicPup32

Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2022 1:58 pm
by bigpup

I would just be happy it is showing some kind of icon.
As you can see the icon is determined by different underlying programs controlling it.
Consider it a small bug of Puppy Linux.

No operating system is 100% perfect.
Some small quirky things are not worth spending the time to fix.

Re: Rox-Filer icon gone in TaskBar for BionicPup32

Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2022 2:19 pm
by OscarTalks

The icon in the left corner of the window title bar and also in the taskbar button is something which JWM looks for and displays.
You need a suitable icon file named lxtask.png in one of the JWM icon path locations (as defined in the JWM configuration)
So /usr/share/pixmaps/lxtask.png should do it (restart X for it to show up)

Re: Rox-Filer icon gone in TaskBar for BionicPup32

Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2022 5:54 pm
by Amit Ranaware

thanks OscarTalks

after creating new icon file "lxtask.png" in /usr/share/pixmaps

Screenshot(3).jpg (175.23 KiB) Viewed 761 times

it worked , wow i was so close to reinstall this os but there is icon for the task manager now


also i didnt had to "restart graphical server" . i just reopened lxtask ( Task Manager ) and it worked