USB devices on your Linux Box - what's there?

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USB devices on your Linux Box - what's there?

Post by cobaka »

Want to know what devices are connected to the USB ports on your Linux Box?
This posting describes a method available on uPupBB32 - and probably puppies from other kennels too.

Applications (desktop, lwr LH corner-) --> System --> Pup-SysInfo
will display a list of devices currently connected to the various USB ports on your Linux Box.

(-From-) Pup-SysInfo --> Devices (-menu-) --> USB Devices --> Complete (-list-) you can see a display something like this:

  • Bus 002 Device 004: ID 045e:0750 Microsoft Corp. Wired Keyboard 600
    Bus 002 Device 006: ID 046d:c52b Logitech, Inc. Unifying Receiver
    Bus 002 Device 002: ID 8087:0024 Intel Corp. Integrated Rate Matching Hub
    Bus 002 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0002 Linux Foundation 2.0 root hub
    Bus 008 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0003 Linux Foundation 3.0 root hub
    Bus 007 Device 003: ID 046d:c534 Logitech, Inc. Unifying Receiver
    Bus 007 Device 002: ID 04f3:0235 Elan Microelectronics Corp.
    Bus 007 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0002 Linux Foundation 2.0 root hub
    Bus 006 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0003 Linux Foundation 3.0 root hub
    Bus 005 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0002 Linux Foundation 2.0 root hub
    Bus 003 Device 002: ID 0413:6a04 Leadtek Research, Inc.
    Bus 003 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0002 Linux Foundation 2.0 root hub
    Bus 004 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0001 Linux Foundation 1.1 root hub
    Bus 001 Device 002: ID 8087:0024 Intel Corp. Integrated Rate Matching Hub
    Bus 001 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0002 Linux Foundation 2.0 root hub

On my Linux box (- from the list above-) you can see the first item on the list is a conventional (wired) keyboard (type 600) from Microsoft. Some devices (e.g. Logitech mouse, model M235 will appear on the list when plugged/unplugged). Other devices (I bought a low-end mouse from China) appear only after Puppy Linux is booted/rebooted (at least on my 32-bit UpupBB system).

More information is available about a specific Device seen on the list by accessing:
Devices --> USB Devices --> Vendor ID.
uPupBB32 opens my browser to display a long list like this:

USB-devices_by_manufacturer.jpg (34.05 KiB) Viewed 864 times


From there, (-for example-) clicking on HP, Inc (-$3f0-) will show devices from Hewlett-Packard. Item 0004 is a DeskJet895c.

USB-devices_by_HP.jpg (22.82 KiB) Viewed 864 times

The PupSysInfo application is a useful device for checking the connectivity and operation of 'thingys' connected to your USB ports. Don't leave home without it.


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Re: USB devices on your Linux Box - what's there?

Post by Phoenix »

A more universal option is lsusb. But yes, it's more convenient.

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Re: USB devices on your Linux Box - what's there?

Post by cobaka »


You wrote about the lsusb command, available from bash.
I knew nothing about that command. Always something new to learn in the CLI!
I see lsusb follows the usual bash/CLI convention for getting help: lsusb --help.
The options listed provide a method to filter the info you seek.
I'm a novice when it comes to Linux/bash/C etc, but I would make a wild guess: I think the following may work

lsusb > some-file
lsusb | grep -i --color 'keyboard'
and yes! I see:

Bus 002 Device 004: ID 045e:0750 Microsoft Corp. Wired Keyboard 600

On the other hand, for Puppy followers who, like me, know little about bash, Puppy PSI can be very useful.
My guess is that every report PSI provides comes from a bash script disguised by a command box - whatever that is.
I don't know anything about a GUI. I invented the word 'command box'. Command boxes only exist in that barren wasteland I call imagination.


собака --> это Русский --> a dog
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Re: USB devices on your Linux Box - what's there?

Post by Phoenix »

The linux terminology calls it a virtual terminal. An actual terminal is just what you see in a virtual terminal, except it takes up the entire display usually.

IRC: firepup | Time to hack Puppy!

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