gychang wrote: Wed Aug 10, 2022 10:32 pm
I am confused about the code, should the 2 lines of terminal command run separately starting with "color=..." and "sed -i ..."?
Yes, the first command sets the variable, the second uses it. You can remove the variable and run only the second command:
Code: Select all
sed -i "s/fill:#....../fill:#FF0000/g" /usr/share/pixmaps/netmon_wce/qual_{1..10}.svg
The color here is red (#FF0000).
This results in:

- qual_10.png (5.4 KiB) Viewed 853 times
The script I've attached to my previous post opens the gtk color chooser and restarts the netmon_wce when a color is chosen. It may not work in your puppy though.
gychang wrote:Some colors don't seem to change, but #FFFFFF makes it all white.
Do you want to change the color of the arrows too?