@PeterE :- Hallo.....and to the "kennels".
rockedge wrote: Tue Aug 02, 2022 3:46 pm
I use Dropbear and SSH into remote sessions using pUTTY that I forward X11 from allowing me to run the headless system in a graphical mode from another machine.
@mikewalsh knows more about packages for running remote machines in a graphical environment. He might be able to steer you into more useful information
@rockedge / @PeterE :-
What I know about running stuff "remotely" via GUI is basically in a 'chroot' environment. This can be on the same machine.....or it could, of course, be on a different machine. If it's on a different machine you then need a method of connecting to that other machine; this could be on your local LAN, or it could be in a totally different location, which then necessitates ways of connecting via t'interweb itself, often using VPNs/tunnels/etc, etc., for additional security.
As Erik (rockedge) says, if you're running a remote machine with any specific equipment attached to that machine, it's only going to be functional in that machine. I'm not aware of a method whereby you could, say, record a music track on your remote machine while at the same time monitoring it - in real time - on the machine in front of you.....for example.
Chroots are very much the same. Anything you want to do in that environment has to be available to the OS inside that environment, since they cannot communicate outside the chroot in real-time while running. (You can, of course, have a specific folder/directory sym-linked to the 'host' if working with a local chroot, so you can then access it after the chrooted application has shut-down. I'm not sure how you'd pull this trick off with a truly 'remote' machine).
The Linux version of TeamViewer hasn't worked under Puppy since they re-built the thing with a natively-ported Qt5 build. The older Linux TV utilised the Windows build running under a self-contained WINE 'prefix'; that worked quite well. But the current one is a complete pig.
Browsers are somewhat different. Due to the way they work, and the way in which the chroot environment links to the host OS, these CAN be interacted with in real-time. I regularly stream NetFlix content through an up-to-date Opera in a Fossapup chroot running under an older build of Quirky April......which is Tahrpup-era, some 7 or 8 years earlier.
I think the chroot/host link employs some kind of X11 forwarding anyway.
Meh. I digress. I don't think this is what you want. "Headless", to me, has always suggested running something like a remote server via either the terminal (more common) or some kind of GUI (less common) on your local machine. As I understand it - and rockedge mentioned this above - usual practice for this kind of thing is using SSH & Putty via a VPN (VNC?) 'tunnel'.
I suspect this is what you actually want.....which may be beyond your current capabilities (without teaching yourself about how all this stuff works). It's definitely 'do-able', but may not be quite so easy as you've envisioned.
It sounds as if you could be trying to run before you've learnt to walk....