I am using Fossapup 9.5 now, booting on a desktop. However, the way I am doing it is clunky and just plain wrong and I am too ignorant to understand why, or how to fix it. HELP!!
I used Rufus 3.17 to transfer the Fossapup9.5 ISO contents to the USB (Says 16GB on the USB but actually less than 15). In Rufus, I set 2.44GB as the puppy partition and the rest of the USB as a persistent partition. On booting Puppy, I used GParted to resize the persistent partition and inserted a 3 GB Fat 32 partition in between the puppy partion and the Ext3 persistent one. This new partition is labelled sdb3, even though it is the second one on the device, according to GParted.
The desktop was second hand from a company that specialises in selling old commercial stuff. It is a no-name brand, using a Coolermaster box and an ASUS motherboard. PupSysInfo reports the motherboard to be:
Motherboard Vendor: ASUSTeK COMPUTER INC.
Product Name: P8B75-M LX
Pressing the F2 key on startup gets me into the ASUS UEFI Bios Utility. Using this, I was able to set Fastboot off. For Secureboot, the options were "Windows UEFI" or "Other OS". There was no OFF option, so I selected "Other OS".
Unfortunately, I can't find a way to set the machine to permanently set the USB as the first boot option. The panel to change the boot order doesn't show the USB, I can only drag the order of the HDD and the CD drive. I can boot the USB by hitting a button that brings up a window showing the CD, HDD and USB in that order. Clicking on the USB boots it. So I can boot Puppy but, in order to do it, I always have to wait for the ASUS logo to appear on screen, hit F2 to get into the Bios Utility, hit the BOOT button and then click on the Fossapup USB. What a hassle! Help!
When the USB boots, I get to a Grub4Dos screen. I thought that Grub4dos wasn't right for UEFI systems? However, it does work. Is it optimal though?
The next thing I noticed is that every Grub4Dos stanza has pmedia=CD. This is clearly wrong for booting a USB device. What files on the USB do I need to edit to fix this?
Clearly, the Grub4Dos stanzas come from the Fossapup ISO. Given that CDs are now rarer than rocking-horse manure, why is the Fossapup ISO set up like that? Should it be changed in later versions?
Finally, I set up the second Fat32 partition, based on advice on this forum that this was the best way to transfer files between a Windows bootup and Fossapup session. However, when I boot into Windows 7, which only requires switching the machine on, Windows only sees the puppy partition, which is the first partition on the USB, formatted Fat32 by Rufus. The Fat 32 partition I made with GParted, is invisible to Windows 7, even though Fossapup can see it fine. As a result, the partition is useless. Is there a fix for that? (I believe that Puppies could write directly to Windows NFS partitions but that it risks corrupting the partition. However, I understand that there was talk of a much newer and better NFS driver being accepted directly into the Linux kernel. Any news on that?)