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Installed wine in slacko Puppy, where is it?

Posted: Fri Jul 22, 2022 2:29 am
by devfishe

Hi all,

Hopefully this is an easy one. I gave up on using fossapup and installed slacko puppy. Much better for me so far. I tried installing "wine" from

And it worked! But now I cant find the application on my computer. Slacko puppy does not seem to have a useful application search option (like findnrun on fossapup). It is not in my application menu. When it gave me the message that said it successfully installed, it said there was "no menu" or something like that. I went through the whole application menu and cant seem to find it.

The goal is to use wine to use the windows version of the flashcard program anki. Is that a good idea?

Through this whole process, all I can think is what type of grandpa is puppy linux made for?


Re: How to get into wine with slacko puppy

Posted: Fri Jul 22, 2022 4:12 pm
by mikeslr

Always tell us which Puppy. Be specific. Which of the dozens of Slacko Puppys are you referring to?

If it's a 32-bit*, you're probably right. This may be a 'easy one'. You may only need the wine-extra's pet version2013 published somewhere. But uploading it from my storage is easier than searching for it.
(2.17 KiB) Downloaded 67 times

Did you configure wine? i.e. open a terminal and type wine.cfg. IIRC, after installing the pet you can configure wine by using the menu entry for that.

The pet only creates menu entries for wine's builtin applications, e.g. winefile.

If you need menu entries for other applications running under wine, including portable xp-programs, ask. My post on the old forum detailing how to create them has been truncated during the transition. Mike Walsh's post about how to create menu entries in general is here,

Short version specifically for running Window programs under Wine. Place a text file with an appropriate name in /usr/share/applications ending with the suffice '.desktop', e.g. my-program.desktop. Use this template, changed to provide specifics

[Desktop Entry]
Comment=whatever floats your boat :)
GenericName=not needed

By the way, if we knew which Slacko you are running we may be able to point you to a version of find'n'run or --my preference-- appfinder.
* If your Slacko is a 64-bit OS, you'll need to download, then sfs-load its 32-bit compatibility SFS, open a terminal and type 'ldconfig'; Reboot, Saving before running wine.cfg in a terminal to configure wine.

Re: How to get into wine with slacko puppy

Posted: Sat Jul 23, 2022 12:44 am
by bigpup

This info may help you.

For Wine.

Good place to get Wine for Puppy.

Also, look on the first post of the Wine topic for a added '' that puts Wine entries in the menu.

When you get Wine installed and the Wine menu entries.
Run Wine config to setup Wine.
It will probably offer you a few more programs needed for Wine to run properly.
Should download and install them as part of the initial config.

Also, in Wine config->Drivers Select autodetect to get all the driver locations loaded in Wine.

A lot of settup options in Wine config, so check them all.

What version of Windows you want Wine to mimic can affect how a program runs. Wine Config->Applications.

About specific programs running in Wine.
Go to the Wine web site and see what it says about a specific program and issues.

Using Wine is almost like learning a new operating system.
Takes a while to learn how to use Wine and to get things working properly.

Re: How to get into wine with slacko puppy

Posted: Sat Jul 23, 2022 1:02 am
by mikewalsh

@devfishe :-

WINE itself doesn't generate aMmenu entry. It's a real-time Windows-environent emulator, akin to running an emulated install of Windows within a sandbox. It's just "there"; you don't need to specifically "call it", except for when you want to run a program with it.

It's the program you want to run inside WINE you'll probably want a Menu entry for. Mikeslr's post above gives a pretty good outline to the procedure. Creating a Menu entry for an item running under WINE is similar to creating one for pretty much anything running natively in Puppy; the one thing to remember is the need to start the Exec line with "wine"-space-followed by "/the/full/path/to/your/Windows/exe/file" (usually "/root/.wine/drive_c/Program Files/whatever/whatever.exe", or something similar).

Mike. ;)