I had a couple of requests for it if I released it, so though i'd make it an open topic.
Is anyone interested in having available a iso of barry's quirky buster64 updated?
Last version he did was 8.8.1 when he shut the project.
It's an iso about 725Meg with devx included in the install, i'm not one who likes to have them separated. IT also has xine and QT5 included, something a lot of my packages use.
It will be on a come-as-it-is, ie no warranty or help though.
I will add the two files DISTRO_PKG_SPECS-debian-buster and the DISTRO_SPECS somewhere here soon, so others can build, fix any problems found, and improve it if they want.
It was built using barry's woofq quirky branch, which is what he built his on. It's NOT a woof-CE build.
I built it as a prereq test stage before 'playing' with building either a opensuse or venom based quirky. I haven't decided which to build yet.